Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lazy Saturday

We all know I am a complete lazy ass in the mornings, and if you don't already then you should. So of course today I was supposed to meet at a friend's house to go tanning & go to a Pure Romance party with some girls, and completely slept through it and all the wake-up texts. Not cool. I really wanted to go..a girl's day spent tanning, drinking strawberry margaritas and chocolate martinis & having a good time looking at Pure Romance stuff sounded amazing. But amazing is also how it feels curled up in my warm comforter every morning too....

Anyway, at least I did something productive and did some shopping with a friend this evening. I only purchased 1 item and luckily it was the item I had set out to find. I can finally say I have my graduation dress. It was $98 marked down to $60 so I got a pretty good deal. It is just a casual, plain black dress by Max Studio. I made sure not to get anything too dressy or heavy because it will be hot! That's a guarantee in South Carolina especially in late May. With a sunny day ending in snowfall and rain today, there are no guarantees in Spokane, and I'm wondering if spring really exists here at all. I have recently been told to wait until after the "third week of May." So I will keep everyone updated on that theory.

I also stopped by a neighbor's yard sale and got Duke some big dog treats and a water bowl that refills itself with a 27 gallon jug. It will be so much easier than filling up his bowl every hour, because that dog can down some water!! On another good & bad note, I "started" 2 days ago. Good because 1) I am not prego, so it is always a good thing and bad because, well, I started. Blah. My friend pointed out today that that is probably why I have been so sleepy today and she is probably right. I slept in, hubby & I took a nap, and now I am sleepy again. Oh well,...what can you do? My answer is go with it, relax and enjoy my weekend with the hubby because he is always at work during the week..that's my excuse anyway!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Hi hater.

Recently I had a girl talk with some of my new friends here and we all came to the same conclusions on all of these topics and the more I thought about it the more I wanted to put it into words. So I am going to share but this is definitely going to be a short novel/vent session/lecture now I'm gonna preach
Judgment in life is inevitable. People will judge you no matter what, it is human nature and completely natural. However it becomes unnatural to take your own personal judgments and turn them into hate, or act like you are above someone because of them. It isn't normal to take *precious* time out of your day to speak badly of other people, who have given you absolutely no reason to. Sadly for some people it is normal and their time is obviously not so precious or it would be focused on something else. Anyway, that's not the point. What we decided is that the cattiness of some people or better yet, girls, comes from one thing. It's obvious and you may already know what this thing is. These people are unhappy because something in their life isn't meeting their standards. Some things in their life they are just not HAPPY with. So when they come across someone who has things that they lack, or someone who is "better off " than them, they get the urge to try and use their words to bring someone down. Or even to make themselves look just a little better, which in turn makes themself feel better. It's all one thing: jealousy. Yep you guessed it.
Jealousy is also a natural thing, don't get me wrong. It is normal to see someone with a nicer car than yours and say, "man I would really like to have that car," and be a little jealous that yours just doesn't really compare. Anyone who says that jealousy is not a normal human trait, is probably the most jealous of them all. But there are certain levels of it, just as there is with anything else in life. There is the kind of jealousy that is so consuming that people are not just competitive and envious of people who they don't know, they are competitive & envious of the people closest to them. The people they probably call their "friends." News flash: no one who is so incredibly jealous of your happiness, belongings or YOU is NOT a friend and their jealousy will bring you down, maybe not today, but probably tomorrow.

Then, there are some people who are happy when other people are. And happy for the fortunate things in someone else's life, EVEN when things may not be going great for themself. There are people who don't look at others and immediatly feel envious, and the need to open their mouths with negativity. These are the people I recently met and have in my life; the kind of people everyone needs in their life. The people who are truly content and happy with not only their life, but themselves. They will never try to bring you down but they will always be there to push you up. They are not toxic, they are not competitive, they are not jealous.

I moved here with an open heart. I moved here to be with the man I love and hopefully start a new and beautiful life. I moved here with mixed emotions, being so far away from everything I've known, but most of all I moved here with hope. Hope for my marriage, hope for my success and hope for real, true friends. Friends who make me feel like I am home again. Unfortunately, wherever you go in life you will run into the kind of people who are only a "friend" while you are around. People who are bitter and insecure. People I can only thank God that I am not :-) And I can say from experience that all they will do is get in the way of the people that you need. The one's who are really there for you, to your face and while you are away. 

I have heard it ALL since I have been here, but the funny thing is only from one or two people, who couldn't even say it to my face. 1) I'm immature? Because I am 18 and took a huge life step that most take in  their twenties, or thirties? I am fresh out of high school and have every right to be any bit of immature I want, but I am so incredibly far from it. An 18 year old newlywed is not going to know all the answers to everything but please refer me to one who does. Who is not only living on their own for the first time but over 2,500 miles from home and recently married, as if marriage isn't enough in itself to get used to and learn from. I am more mature than some people could ever think to recognize because they wouldn't know mature if it slapped them in their jealous, insecure face.

2) I'm superficial? Because I take pride in my appearance? HA. Because I didn't get the pajama memo and wore real clothes today? HA. Because I love being a woman and every aspect of it? HA. Kiss my ass, the one that is apparently too superficial for you and your sweat pant addiction. I have no problem with looking like a BUM, I walk out of the house all the time with no make up on or nothing done to my hair. Everyday? No. The bottom line is there are a million beautiful women in this world and I can only imagine the unhappiness that would come from not appreciating that and calling every woman who takes pride in her appearance "superficial." My advice... GET OVER IT! You only make yourself look worse.

People say "only God can judge." No, everyone can. And everyone does. But the real meaning behind that quote is that only God's judgment matters. It does not stem from spite, from jealousy or from anger. Instead, it is based on a person's character, who they really are inside; not out. The things that really count and the things that are true. Go ahead and judge a book by it's cover, in the end we all do. But taking the time to open the book and look at the pages is what really counts. What does immature, superficial or any other judgment really mean if you can say you are a good person? A good friend? If you can say that you live your life in the best way possible, without trying to bring other people down?
The answer is that none of it means absolutely anything. If you know who you are, that's all that matters. Because eventually, other people will see who you are too. This goes for not only myself but anyone and everyone. I have nothing to prove to anyone however, yes, this post was to get many points across and put a prior conversation into words because I felt like it had a lot of meaning and I know I was very supported. So, with that being said,
bye hater.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Yeah, two posts in a row titled with 3 letters that basically sum up everything. Today I went to the gym twice but the first time didn't even count because it was cut short by my oh so fun and exciting placement testing at the education center. I did "excellent" on english as always but math not so much, ha big surprise. I am horrible at math. How bad? I couldn't even remember how to subtract fractions properly. Horrible! I forget everything. All I could remember was common denominators and multiplying the top by blah blah. I thought I had the technique down but none of the answers matched mine. Anyway I'm ready for the college English 101 class but I will be in elementary algebra. LOL. Oh well.

Still debating on starting in summer or fall..but I know I will be a slacker if I start in the summer so it will most likely be fall. I want to thoroughly enjoy my summer..especially seeing as hubby will finish phase 2 training in August and will officially be "deployable." So Sept-Dec is a good possibility of him leaving and I think enjoying the summer without stress is a good idea. I wanted to get ahead of my high school class by starting college early but my decision making in my major pushed it back. So I am looking at my graduating early as a chance to get a much longer & much needed break from school and the stress it brings. Amen.

Anyway tonight I went to the gym and ran two miles with a friend. Actually jogged & talked. :-) Instead of running outside we ran around the track inside so that's what we will probably start doing. I have finally found a consistent gym partner who wants to go all the time & likes to have a good workout! So I am happy about that. I did not get my brownies today because I was busy and didn't really think about them. But now that I am it sucks not having them. I am definitely PMS'ing because I finished my birth control pack yesterday and I am getting very annoyed by little things that normally don't annoy me. This is not a happy time for me. Lol. Hopefully it is a quick week. On top of that the power went out in the middle of my tanning session today so I was only in for 12 minutes instead of 20. I actually had an okay day but I am being a total debby downer because I do not feel good. :-(

Other than mother nature life is grand but now I'm going to go be pissed off somewhere else. Lol. My poor husband.

GTL :-)

Mother nature teased us with two beautiful days Saturday and Sunday, because yesterday and today were rainy, gray and yucky. This morning it even snowed/hailed. I guess we are getting punished and this is our reminder that HEY you IDIOTS you still live in Washington!! Ha I'm sure we will start having more consistent weather eventually...but spring has not officially sprung in my book. But I almost thought so. Speaking of mother nature it is about that time of the month for her to creep up on me again and all I have wanted all day today was brownies. So tomorrow I am making a brownie run. :-)

Lately it seems like there are two things that I do everyday and stay very consistent on. 1) Going to the gym and 2) tanning. I make sure I go to the gym everyday, sometimes twice and I tan everyday except Sunday when they are closed. (That's why pretty soon I am going to start tanning at a salon my friend works at) Anyhow..I feel like both of these have been paying off, especially tanning because I lost my tan and am definitely getting it back! As far as the gym, I feel like it is more of a maintenence thing rather than some kind of goal I am working towards. I just like keeping in shape! The past year & a half I have definitely been in the best shape of my life, which was when I started regularly going to the gym! Go figure. I saw on another girl's blog that she was posting her tanning/gym I am going to try on bathing suits and post my tanning progress tomorrow or sometime soon! Viewer JK. It's just a bathing suit.
Anyway I think I am going to continue eating these sunflower seeds I found in a friend's car earlier haha and go watch some TV til the hubs is home.

Day 28 - What is something you need to stop blaming yourself for?
I don't really blame myself for anything. I have in the past but nothing recently has happened I blame myself for

Monday, April 25, 2011

An early start

My mornings usually consist of waking up around 6 or 6:30 to feed the furbabies. After that, I usually pass out. Today I had a text from the friend that I have mentioned, who recently just contacted me. Long story short, instead of ever going back to bed I talked to her for a while and eventually had no interest in going back to sleep. Hubby & I went to the gym as usual and tonight I went to a friends for dinner. Her & her husband were watching the Oregon/Dallas basketball game so another friend & I joined in on the festivities. I actually got into the game somewhat, ha. Anyway hubby got off early tonight around 9:30 & later on we are going to watch the new Red Riding Hood movie. We saw Insidious last night and it was really good!! At least I thought so. It was a really crazy plot & I will just say there is definitely going to be a number 2. Yay.

Another good movie I have seen lately is one that I watched by myself on a lonely night at home while hubs was at work. It was a weird movie but I thought it was really cute and had a good storyline. It was also kind of creepy!! The movie was Coraline. It's an animated movie that came out a few years ago and I thought it was interesting that literally everything in the movie is real & handmade. It took 5 years to make it. Anyway enough about my rant on movies..but those are two I recommend.

I totally can't believe that in a month I am going to be home! It's going to be so awesome and hopefully I won't forget to take tons of pics. Between graduation, family time & being DD for the new 21 year old David..I might slack a little, but hopefully not! I have to get a black dress for graduation soon. Before our trip I also have to:
  • Get nails done
  • Tan for another month-May
  • Get hair done AKA blonder!
I love being a girl.

Day 27 - What is something you need to forgive yourself for?
There is only one thing I wish I could forgive myself for. Letting alcohol get the best of me, along with a certain someone...that's all.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


...and because of that, today was a success :-) It started out by a run around base with the hubs..he definitely kicked my butt. LOL. He wanted to run soo much faster than I did. But sometimes I ran at his pace too. We eventually went to the outdoor track and he did his lap running while I did mine jogging. Neither of us stopped once though so we both win. Lol. But he definitely finished before me. Dinner tonight was delicious and I got extremely stuffed because I absolutely loooove comfort food and we had plenty tonight! Macaroni & cheese, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, rolls...the list goes on. I definitely didn't touch the chicken though :-) It ended up just being a family dinner so we had a good day spending time together and eating good! Hope everyone else did too!

Day 26 - How have you changed in the past two years?
I have grown up incredibly, beyond my years. I will leave it at that. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter! :-)

Well in about half an hour it will officially be Easter over here on the west coast. I live on the west coast??? It's still really weird sounding to me!! We are planning on a California road trip this summer...and I never envisioned myself going on a *road trip* to California. Pretty cool....I must say. Anyway our plans for tomorrow are to have a yummy dinner at home, maybe with a friend or two. Hopefully tomorrow will be equally as beautiful as today was. The weather was amazing. I met a friend at the gym but it didn't take too long before we found ourselves on another walk/run around base. It was definitely t-shirt weather today but the air was still cool so we didn't really get hot at all. Tomorrow we are also hoping to get around to bringing Duke out to the park to play for a little and having family time. If it's not a nice day that will be a bummer but I still look forward to it. Not too much to say today..but, 32 days til SC! Almost at the month countdown!!

Day 25 - Someone who impacts your life regularly
The picture speaks for itself and I thought it was also very suiting for Easter :-)

Falling together

Lately everything has been going right. I have made choices to keep the right people in my life & the wrong ones out, and don't regret it one bit. I have met some amazing people who are just like my friends back home and who I am really growing to love. I am one step closer to enrolling in summer classes & starting college by taking my placement test next Thursday. I have AMAZING family & friends across the country I would not trade for anything. I have a beautiful little family here, I am healthy and happy with myself. I know I have said it before and it might sound like bragging but I am just thankful and feel so blessed. I know there are people out there who are less fortunate and I wonder why me? It doesn't seem fair that some people are dealt better hands than others and I wish everyone could be equally happy in life.

 I can only thank God and remember never to take anything for granted. But even through any struggles and misfortunes-which no one doesn't have, I never fail to realize...God is great. When times are good he is there to thank and when they are bad he is there to hold and help you. This is how I feel and I wish true "faith" on everyone, even if it is their own kind of faith, it is a comfort like no other when you truly believe in something so great.

Today I went to the gym with just hubby, tanned as usual (I am getting there!) and went on a walk around base with a girl I met recently. It was such a pretty day today!! I really hope a REAL spring is coming soon..even if it stays a little chilly I think it's refreshing! I don't like too cold and I definitely don't like too hot either. Tonight I went with some girls to Applebee's. I am about ready for bed but I don't think hubby is because he is playing call of duty and that's just awesome.. Not. :-) It's actually pretty annoying because I get no attention whatsoever. He gets so in the zone that if I say something to him I get a very delayed response. Annoying!!!

Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you

This smart puppy right here! I love him so much and can't imagine ever replacing him

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chaotic morning

First off, this morning mainly sucked because I had to be up not just early, but really early. For some people it's the norm but not for this girl! I had a dentist appointment at 7:30 so I was up at 6. I didn't feel well and all I wanted to do was plop back down in bed. But instead I dragged myself out into the cold and left around 7. On the way there it started snowing, it has been randomly snowing the past week. Spokane definitely had a weird "spring." After taking wrong turns & getting lost multiple times, and even accidentally driving into oncoming traffic (yeah I obviously still don't know the roads around here), I made it there alive at exactly 7:30 but luckily had all my paperwork printed and filled out already. Anyway I got x rays, my teeth cleaned, and a referral to an oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth out. That is going to be one fun filled day let me tell you.

Fortunately all my teeth are really healthy and I still have never had a cavity so I was happy about that. I got a lot of compliments on my smile and teeth which I was surprised about. They have started to crowd a little so I am looking into getting that fixed because it gets bad. So after I am healed from the wisdom teeth surgery I will be getting invisalign. It's going to be $4,200 which is ridiculously expensive but my parents are picking up that bill for me which I definitely appreciate. With one income hubby & I are not interested in extra expenses every month.

When I got home I jumped back in bed and my sweet kitty was the first one to follow me. She has started burrowing under my covers to snuggle up next to me and it's so cute. She slept with me the whole time :-) I just wish she would be nicer to Duke because we have considered getting rid of her for making him bleed. He came first....

Anyway...34 days til we're on a plane to SC!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Decisions, decisions

Day 24 - Tell us something you think no one really knows about you
Hmm....My dream job would include traveling the world and seeing beautiful places and things. I have always thought photographers for National Geographic have the best jobs in the world.

Today I did a some more shopping with some girls. Not too much, but a little. I also had to return a shirt that my mom sent me for Easter-I didn't like it. It was definitely something she would wear but not me. Lol, thanks anyway Mom. It helped out with my other stuff though. :-) I would post pictures of what I got, but I'm going home soon and what are new clothes if everyone has seen them already?? Lol. Maybe I'm just silly.

I talked to a friend today who recently got a job in radiology. It has been one of the things I have really considered going into, and after talking to her I think I'm going for it. Now I'm debating on starting in summer, or just starting in fall when the rest of my class will start college. Even if I graduated early and didn't get ahead of them, I am so glad I am not still in high school until June :-) But I am so so so excited to walk with everyone! Yay!

I'm off to the gym for a late workout sesh. Hubby went alone today because I was too busy snoring :-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New and improved

So today was delivery day :-) Hubby is about to leave for work and I am about to test these babies out! After the gym we had to stop by the commissary to get some new laundry detergent, because our other bottle isn't "high efficiency" detergent and we can't use it. So I am giving it to a friend. I have a huge pile of clothes that has been sitting in our guest room getting bigger and bigger...I have never let laundry build up past 1 or 2 loads so I am definitely ready to get it all DONE!

Just some of the clothes that need washing..

Even though I hate that our laundry room is in our basement and it feels like a dungeon, I am going to like doing laundry more for sure. Today I have to go check a friend's mail who is out of town, tan & go to the gym again. Hubby & I have been health freaks lately; going to the gym everyday with his friends & mine. We also have been stocking up on lots of fruits and veggies & other healthy foods. But don't think I haven't been eating the strawberry cheesecake that's in the fridge. Ha

 I am so ready to be able to wear summer clothes and bathing suits, and I wish these mid-April snow flurries would STOP!!! I was skyping with a friend from home yesterday and told her all about our weird weather here. Speaking of Skype I had to take a screen shot of this little sweetheart waving at me!! She is the cutest thing in the world.

Can't wait to see them in May! :-)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New toys and old friends

Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
No one has hurt me recently but I'm sure they have tried. I laugh at and PITY people who are just as ugly outside as they are inside :-) I'm sure the mirror has told them this lately, so no need to.

Today we finally went and ordered our new washer and dryer set!! They are coming Tuesday to deliver them and install them and I am soo excited :-) Who would have thought you could be excited to do laundry?! We got Whirlpool front loaders and what do you know..they are the exact ones my parents have. A little piece of hom all for me :-) We didn't get the optional pedastools though because they were an extra $500 and we were already spending $2000. It took a little chunk out of our savings but luckily we have enough to do splurge once in a while. I am glad we don't put anything on credit cards and have no debt. I am thankful for that and also that my hubby spoils me. Lol. Anyway I will post pictures of our latest purchase on Tuesday!

An old friend from home called me yesterday. It was quite a surprise. Her & I haven't spoken in a while because we had a falling out (twice), but she used to be my best friend and we have had so many great times together. I look back on a lot of my favorite high school memories and she was right there beside me. It is hard to ever completely let go a person like that, and almost impossible to want to. She asked me if I was going to be home to walk at graduation, and if everything could be ok between us. She is recently engaged and I am happy for her & wish her nothing but the best, no matter what our terms are. I will always be there for her as a friend and as someone who knows what it's like to be married so young. I hope I see her when I'm home and am able to spend some time with her and catch up. It really will be nice and connect with my friends, and South Carolina again.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A little blurry

  Day 21 - A photo of something that consistently makes you happy

I was going to post two pictures, but then I remembered this one. First, my husband constantly makes me happy. We are both stubborn, sarcastic and short tempered at times but through all of the "butting heads" he makes me so happy and I can't picture my life without him by my side.
Second, my Duke. He is the most wonderful dog I have ever had. He is crazy and gets a little too excited sometimes (as you can see in the picture) but he is such a big part of my life & our family. I love him and don't know what I would do without him either! He may make us angry sometimes, like the other day when he ate half of a 10 dollar bill LOL, but he brings so much joy and laughter into our lives as well.
So last night is fuzzy. LOL. Told you I was planning on having a good weekend. I wish I had pictures but none were taken. Lol. I went over to a friend's who was having a party and one shot led to on and so forth. It was the first time I have really drank in a while so it didn't take much between whipped vanilla vodka/Orange crush shots & white wine. Hi mom. Ha. :-)  No worries, Hubby got off work at 10 and came over & we left around 12-HE drove me home. I definitely was not driving and DEFINITELY not driving back onto base! So yeah, until about 3:00 today my car was still sitting in front of their house. Lol. After I went to pick up my car my first stop was Subway because somehow the veggie sub I always get is the cure to my hangover, and I always get one the day after.

I'm still deciding what I am going to do tonight. If I feel 100% I might go out with some friends to the casino for a birthday, or to Spokane's next top model fashion show (which should be really good!!) OR hubby & I might get dinner with some other friends we like to go to dinner with. I wish I could fit them all into my night but I don't think I can. We will see. My next stop however is the gym, then I am tanning. I didn't tan yesterday because my schedule was so hectic, I was shopping and almost didn't make my hair appointment. After my hair appointment I had to come home feed the dogs and finish getting ready before the party started.
I was still a little late. What's new??

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blessed and thankful

Day 20 - The meaning behind your blog name.
"Blonde in a Camo Colored World" - I chose this name for a few reasons. First off I am quite obviously a blonde. Right now I am across the country, away from home. Instead, I am living on a military base, surrounded by men & women in uniform and wives whose husbands are deployed or away. Everything around me and the sole reason I am here, is military, so my camo colored.

Ahhhh I would just like to say how thankful I am for everything I have in life. Between my beautiful little home, my husband/best friend, my friends & family, and the two little furbabies that make me laugh on a daily basis-I am so blessed. I thank God for all of this. The only thing I can do to show how I thankful I am is to continue to be the best person I can, and keep negative people out of my life, which I do ;) I love my life, it is truly beautiful. Today I took the time to look around and think about what & who I have in my that was the first thing that came to my mind writing about my day.

So last night was too funny. When hubby gets home from work every night (or when anyone else walks through our side gate, for that matter), I can hear the gate being closed because it's metal. Well Jade (kitty) was sitting on the cushion behind me on the sofa, and I heard hubby coming through the gate. All of a sudden, Jade starts growling! HAHAHAHA. My sweet little girl was growling under her breath because she heard something outside of the door. Like she was going to do something if someone walked in and wasn't supposed to. It was too funny and definitely adorable.

Anyway, it's Thursday night and I am watching the new episode of Real Housewives of New York & waiting on the sound of the gate telling me hubby is home from work, and I can have a hug and kiss! :-)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spider house call

Day 19 - What is something you hope never changes about you
Something that I hope never changes about me is my positive attitude. The only thing that can really keep me down is losing someone I love

Sooo our washer is officially done! It worked fine until I guess it shimmied it's way off of the ledge it was on in the laundry room, fell over and broke. Ha. I knew it was uneven and off balance but I didn't know it was that bad! Our laundry room was flooded when I found out but luckily our laundry room has a drain on the floor so it was all gone pretty quick. Oh well, this weekend when hubby doesn't have to work we are going to buy a new set. We should have invested in one to begin with. We are planning on getting some high efficiency front loaders and I am so ready to be able to wash clothes with some luxury! My parents have some at home and they are really I am ready to get ours.

The tanning is coming along better than I expected. In January when I got to Washington I had a great tan and lost it, but now I am picking it up again quicker than I thought I would. On the flip side it turned my acryllic nails a yellow color so I ripped them off because I can't stand that. I definitely need to invest in some Nail Savers so I don't have to deal with that anymore!

A little while ago I just got back from a friend's who called me to come over and kill a spider! Hahaha. Too funny. Her husband is deployed and I have already had to kill a spider for her. That was one of the things I was not born afraid of, instead I got stuck with a stupid fear like frogs. ha. Anyway I rushed over there only to find that the spider had disappeared. I told her to definitely invest in some Raid

Well I am pooped from the gym so I am plopping down on the couch til hubby is home from work. He had to work a 12 yesterday so hopefully not again tonight

Monday, April 11, 2011

A day in the park

Day 18 - What is something you wish you could change about yourself?
If I could change something about myself I would not be so naturally white! I'm not as white as some people, lukcily but if I don't tan or get spray tans I don't have much color. People born with pretty olive colored skin are so lucky!!!

Well hubby & I went to the gym this morning for our daily couple's workout. At least we try to make it daily....Anyway, while he was at work I went and tanned. I didn't get to yesterday because the salon is closed on Sundays which I was mad about. Ugh. Then I went to the BX and got Duke a new toy...just because. I swear he is like our child, we buy him soo much crap!! He loves his new squeaky toy and I made sure it was one he can chew ALL he wants and will not be able to tear apart. That's always his goal with toys.

I went to the gym for a second time tonight with some friends. Let's just say I am so ready for the weekend, and it's only Monday. That's what you get for planning ahead! Hopefully I will have a few cute photos to post of hubby & I soon, we got some pictures taken by a talented photographer on base! They were supposed to be family pictures with our lab, but he was pretty preoccupied so her friend went off with him and played fetch. HA! Anyway here is one, I will have more to post hopefully soon :-)

So cute!! The story behind this is that it was a SUPER windy day :-)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Good friends and good food :)

Day 17 - Something you crave a lot.
Sometimes a girl just needs chocolate. I definitely get cravings for chocolate and hubby definitely makes trips for me! They mostly come around *that time of the month* (go figure) but sometimes I just really want some brownies. When we buy chocolate stuff hubby knows he has to get his share..because it will be gone soon. HAHA. That was the story all the brownies I have made...ha. The first time I "made" brownies I completely ruined them. They were Ghiradelli, goooooo figure again. I guess I'm so used to being in good old below sea level SC....and I didn't read the bottom of the directions. "High altitude: Add 1 cup of self rising flour" OOPS! brownies were more like hard, chewy, chocolate fudge stuck to the bottom of the pan. FAIL! My cookie brownies the other day, however, were not :)

I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday. Last night hubs and I were supposed to go over to a friend's to grill out and party but I fell asleep and we didn't go..there's always next weekend-they like to have a good time! Finally, I have met some more people like me here, lol. After we woke up which was around 11? We watched The Orphan on HBO and not only do I think it was a great movie, but it was pretty creepy! I recommend it, even though I have heard good and bad things about it before.

Today/night we went to dinner at one of hubby's friends houses. I had a vegetarian meal specially cooked for MEE! :) It was this flatbread pizza kind of thing, kind of like a Margherita pizza..and it was soo yummy. I am definitely FULL and ready for bed. But I am watching the "new episode of Family Guy" with the guys...I let them have the TV, and I will have to catch up on Army Wives and Coming Home soon. I'm so tired I wasn't that interested in even watching I will be hitting the sack shortly!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Can't we go back to the old days??

Day 16 - What do you miss about your childhood?
Would it be weird to say I don't miss anything about childhood??? Not to say that I didn't have a great childhood, because I did. I just love the person I am today and place I am today so much that I wouldn't turn back time if I could. Childhood was carefree and I had no worries, so if I had to pick one thing it would be that. No responsibility was pretty awesome :-)

Whew...yesterday and today has been a complete whirlwind, not only in the military community but the whole country. I am burnt out on thinking, hearing and talking about it; because I have done so much of all. My opinion on it is exactly what you would expect from any military spouse...I think the whole thing is very un-American. However, thankfully a decision was made and there will be no government shutdown or pay cuts. Why cutting military pay was even an acceptable option I don't know.....

Here is a really great quote I got from a facebook friend's status..
"Congressmen who willfully take action during wartime that damages morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hung."
— Abraham Lincoln
THOSE are the kind of government leaders we need today!!

My venting is done...Today I went shopping with some girls..if you even want to call it that (at least for me). With the possibility of only getting half a check next week, I really didn't buy anything. Hubby and I were planning on stretching our last check and the next one as far as possible, because we really don't touch our savings..and that's probably why they have grown so much. I got an extendable dog leash since Duke broke our last one, and that was it! Hubby told me to go shopping if I wanted to but I didn't. Go me! All of our savings have been contributed by David and I am really proud of him for that..but I have a part in them too, because when I can spend money I usually choose not to and let it go into savings or I don't touch the savings when I can. That's exactly how I think of

One day I will have my own savings account (Daddy told me not to have a joint account so I can watch my own grow lol) but for now I am soaking up a break from school and having a job and just being a housewife. However it irks me sometimes that I am not busy or doing something productive to move further in school is definitely in my near future. I am thinking about starting off with a Nail Tech certification and getting a job at a salon in town, and then working on my degree. OR getting a Veterinary Assistant certification. I want to get a good paying job to have throughout college and I think both are good options. I would definitely enjoy doing people's nails and learning how & I love any kind of salon environment, but I would also love working with animals because I adore them. I have a little while to decide though!

I'm off to Applebee's for half off appetizers..yum!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The thought that counts

Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without. Why?
I never leave the house without my PURSE! The main things in my purse that I always want to bring with me are my cell phone, my ID to get on base and my debit card. Without my purse or one of those things I feel naked and that I shouldn't be leaving the house.

My friend from back home & I have the same Marciano purses because we are oh so fabulous. I don't carry it much though..only when I go out :-)

Today I have been cleaning the house because we are probably having people over tomorrow night. I haven't been to the gym yet but am going later tonight. I FINALLY went and got a tanning package-2 months and got one for free! Woop! I am going to be tan for my graduation at the end of May but most importantly for the summer! I can't wait to lay out by the pool & go to the lake with friends! I am a winter baby but definitely a summer girl. Did I mention summer means summer shopping?? Yay!!

Lately hubby has been way neater than normal, lol. He has been cleaning up his messes and not leaving things all over for me to pick up. Usually when he comes home from work his ABUs will be sprawled all over the house or bedroom floor. Last night I had a pleasant surprise.. it is probably the manliest form of trying to be tidy, but it's the thought that counts! They might not be hung up but they aren't in the middle of the floor...and it's progress. No ABU's on the floor can be a good thing...but I would rather have them there than none at all. It can be a bad thing too. :( Anyway..yesterday so many sweet little gestures from him yesterday made me smile. I am very thankful to have such an amazing and supportive other half. :-)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A little wishful thinking

Day 14 - If you had unlimited resources, what would your life look like?

Oh goodness..a girl could go on and on with this one couldn't she??
Well for starters we would not be living on base. :-) If we had unlimited resources the convenience of base living wouldn't be worth it anymore. Hubby and I would be living in a house something like this one:

(And I would most definitely have a housekeeper)

In our driveway would be a nice white M3 for me..

and I will speak for hubby because I know him well enough to say that a Skyline would be right beside my car there for him.

Other than house and cars I really can't think of anything else I would want..other than maybe a huge closet with a ridiculous amount of clothes and accessories. :-)

We are still young and have a very long road ahead of us until we are anywhere near this point! That's for sure. Until then we will continue building our savings, staying debt free & not spending more than we should! :-) 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not too much to say

Day 13 - Where are you spiritually? In a valley or on a mountain?
I would say I am somewhere in between. I think spirituality is what gives me a positive attitude towards everything in life.  I believe there is always a light at the end of every tunnel and if you are at the bottom there is no where to go but up. If I didn't have my faith I would feel lost and like I was living a life with no purpose.

Today has been a lazy kind of day. Due to hubby being on swing shift, my life is on swings as well. He leaves for work around 2:30 in the afternoon and usually gets home around 11. Since he has to sleep half of the day, he stays up late every night. Well so do I, and I sleep in right along with him. Today we woke up at 1. That seems to be our current wake up time. I hate it. I feel like all of my day is gone. I went to the gym earlier and plan to go again tonight after hubby leaves around 8:30. He got an extended lunch today and also gets off at 10:30 so you could say there is not much to be done here at Fairchild in Crew Chief world.

Anyways...there is an elliptical calling my name right now at the fitness center. :-)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sushi and other dirty things

P.S. I do like sushi...but it does have lots of germs!

So hubby & I went to the gym with some friends this morning and now he just left for work. Gotta love Mondays... Last night he asked me to go to sushi with him & his friend but I didn't feel like sushi so he got me something on the way home. Anyway apparently their waiter brought their sushi out on the same plate. Kind of weird but they ate it anyway. So then they get their bill and it's on the same check! Hahaha. They quickly told him that nooo they were NOT together and waitor was embarassed and said he was sorry for putting their food on the same plate. When they walked out hubby said "he totally thought we were gay." And hubby's friend said.."dude it was because you wore a polo." HAHAHA. I cracked up when he told me that. He wore a Ralph Lauren polo which is kind of dressy but he has so many that it's normal attire for him.

On to another story about the same friend of his. Apparently at dinner he shared a story that obviously hubby also shared with me after he got home. His friend just finished tech school and said while he was there he went to a WHORE HOUSE!!?? Do those things even exist? I didn't even think they were legal. I told hubs it was probably illegal! Gross. I've seen shows about girls that are held against their will and made to work at places. Well anyway he went, and paid $60 for a "service" for an HOUR. He said he would never do it again...but I look differently at him for going in the first place! Single guys sometimes! Sorry, I just had to share that...I thought it was soooo off the wall and nasty! I've heard of strip clubs, but this is a whole different level! Whew. And fortunately I know he will never be reading my blog :-)

Day 12 - A photograph of the town you grew up in. What did you love/hate about it?

This is a picture part of Greenville, SC's downtown area. Most of my life I grew up in Greenville county. I liked it because it was familiar and I knew how to get everywhere that I wanted to. All of my friends were there that I grew up with, a lot of them since kindergarten. Also before I moved here I was definitely ready to have independence and leave home. I'm not the kind of person who would ever stay in one place my whole life and that's why I feel like our new military lifestyle suits me perfectly. I love new places and new people, even if it means stepping out of a comfort zone, to me it is definitely worth it. Life is way too short. I hope to live many more places after we are done in Washington :-)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Take me to the beach...

Day 11 - The greatest vacation or trip you've ever had 
While I can say that I have literally been on the other side of the world, the best vacations I remember were all near home-the beach. A popular place my family and I used to go every summer was Hilton Head Island, SC. It's a gated community with tons of golf courses. I remember one year we were on a boat and Jerry Springer passed us and waved! HAHA. But it is so beautiful and relaxing there. We would always get awesome condos with balconies and be able to look out onto rivers and watch alligators swim by! Also I've seen dolphins multiple times there at the beach. I always thought that was the coolest thing. Every year I would bring a friend to stay with us and we would go bike riding in our bikinis (EVERYONE bike rides there) and just relax by the pool or on the beach. Definitely my kind of lifestyle.....
Also I have had some great trips to Myrtle Beach but it's much more of an exciting place to party and go out. My favorite trip there was probably last spring break when I went with my best friend. Crazy times but oh so cherished. :-)

Here are some Hilton Head pictures..(not my own unfortuantely)

& some of my own from Myrtle

On my old desktop I used to have TONS of pictures, but it crashed :/ I have the hard drive still so hopefully one day I can recover all of those old memories...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gotta love sweet surprises

Day 10 - What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?
Well I will be the first person to say I am a huge girly girl. I absolutely love to get pampered and/or pamper myself. The main things for me are manicures/pedicures and getting my hair done. I would like to get my makeup done more often but getting your makeup done everyday would be expensive! Maybe one day =) I still love doing my own makeup though. I love running a bubble bath and exfoliating. Facials are absolutely amazing but also costly and I have only had one. =( Never had a professional massage but I plan on it eventually...Until then the hubby does just fine! But he always wants one in return. :/ Haha.

Today has been a lazy day so far. D (hubby) went to dinner at his friend's parent's house. They're making chili and were going to cook me a seperate meal but I decided not to go. I'm sitting at home right now watching Holly's this show. Everytime I watch it, it makes me want to take a random trip to Vegas even more than I already do. D and I will definitely go there together one day..Probably when I turn 21, which I'm not holding my breath for. HA.

Along with me being lazy and not going to dinner, I also did not go to the grocery store. D went all by himself! Ha. We always go together, but he actually did really well. He definitely kept me in mind...=)

YUM! =)

Also wanted to share this video. Definitely my favorite song right now. Love them!

Friday, April 1, 2011

2 tickets home!

Happy April Fools everyone! I think this holiday is pretty stupid but it can be funny. I tried to get my hubby but got totally shot down. He got home from work and we sat down on the sofa together and I tried to get him with the I'm pregnant joke. He looked at me and said "I know you better than that, this would be way more emotional." LOL I guess I didn't do a very good job. Oh well.

Last night I went ahead and booked our plane tickets home! We are leaving on May 25 and staying until June 2. The main point of those dates were to include David's 21st birthday (YAY!!!) and my graduation ceremony. It was definitely be a nice visit. I cannot wait to see my friends. I also can't wait to see my best friend's beautiful baby's crazy how in a few months you can miss first words and standing up/walking! :-( I also can't wait for David to be 21 and us all go out with friends. And hopefully go to the beach for a few days. Or even just a day trip. YESSSSS!! :-)

Day 9 - A photo of your last significant purchase. Did it satisfy a need or a want?
I would say our last "significant" purchase was our tv. It was definitely a want and not a need. We have our 37" sitting in the basement and can't decide what to do with it now. Anyway, for a while we debated whether we wanted a 55" LCD or 47" LED. Well, we ended up going with the led and were very pleased with how it fit in our living room. While I personally cannot tell a difference in quality..I'm sure it's there. Lol

It looks kind of sideways, but I took the picture weird

Anyway.. I am off to the gym by myself today. Sometimes I kind of like not talking through my whole workout and thinking instead. :-)