Wednesday, April 27, 2011

GTL :-)

Mother nature teased us with two beautiful days Saturday and Sunday, because yesterday and today were rainy, gray and yucky. This morning it even snowed/hailed. I guess we are getting punished and this is our reminder that HEY you IDIOTS you still live in Washington!! Ha I'm sure we will start having more consistent weather eventually...but spring has not officially sprung in my book. But I almost thought so. Speaking of mother nature it is about that time of the month for her to creep up on me again and all I have wanted all day today was brownies. So tomorrow I am making a brownie run. :-)

Lately it seems like there are two things that I do everyday and stay very consistent on. 1) Going to the gym and 2) tanning. I make sure I go to the gym everyday, sometimes twice and I tan everyday except Sunday when they are closed. (That's why pretty soon I am going to start tanning at a salon my friend works at) Anyhow..I feel like both of these have been paying off, especially tanning because I lost my tan and am definitely getting it back! As far as the gym, I feel like it is more of a maintenence thing rather than some kind of goal I am working towards. I just like keeping in shape! The past year & a half I have definitely been in the best shape of my life, which was when I started regularly going to the gym! Go figure. I saw on another girl's blog that she was posting her tanning/gym I am going to try on bathing suits and post my tanning progress tomorrow or sometime soon! Viewer JK. It's just a bathing suit.
Anyway I think I am going to continue eating these sunflower seeds I found in a friend's car earlier haha and go watch some TV til the hubs is home.

Day 28 - What is something you need to stop blaming yourself for?
I don't really blame myself for anything. I have in the past but nothing recently has happened I blame myself for

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