The True Few ♥

"True friends are never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart."

Chels ♥
This girl has been by my side through thick and thin since 6th grade. She is the one person that through everything I have always considered not only my best friend but my sister. From hysterically laughing over ridiculous things, to crying over boys and everything in between, she is a huge part of my life. It's crazy to see how much our lives have changed since we met but I know that no matter how much they continue to change, or if we live a continent apart instead of the country, I always have her when I need someone. And she always has me.


If I had to label one person my "partner in crime" it would definitely be this girl. Looking back on all the insane things we have done and been through together, it's a wonder that I'm typing this here today. You know those memories of growing up when you look back and think what the HELL was I thinking? Yeah, well those are the ones I made with her. We were young, free, and sometimes out of our minds..but I wouldn't trade the experiences for anything. And for future reference, I will always know who to call when I have something up my sleeve, or downright crazy in mind. Because I know for a FACT she will be right beside me. It's a good feeling to have haha

Michelle :) :)
The saying of "laughing until you cry" has a whole lot of meaning for me and this girl. I absolutely hate math, but one of my favorite classes I ever had was the math class I had with her. That says a lot. We just might have been seperated at birth, because the stupid things we say and laugh like idiots over is something no one really understands. When we laugh, not only crying is involved, but hurt ribs, weird looks & random hot flashes are too. I absolutely love this girl and every minute we are together.

Bailey ♥
Sometimes doors are closed so another one can open and lead you to something better. Letting go of someone I called my "best friend" at the time was hard, but in return I got really close to this girl. Honestly, she reminded me why I cut people out of my life and what a true friend really means. It didn't help that we agree on pretty much any topic you can name and gave each other advice like daily, lol. I can 100% say I trust her with anything, whether we talk often or not. I know she is definitely the kind of friend anyone would want and I will always value her friendship.