The Family

The Wife
I am a total girl. I love shopping, decorating, animals, babies, laughing and pink. I love the beach and soaking up the sun, though I am not able to experience much of either in Washington. :( I am southern girl at heart and though I don't think I have an accent everyone here seems to. I am a happy, fun loving person and I try to be the best person that I can. :) I love meeting new people and experiencing new things, so I think that is why I have adapted so quickly to my new life away from home. Though it's not perfect, I am so happy with the life I have :)

pictureof a pumpkin The Hubby

As of June 2010 he is a member of the U.S. Air Force and the reason why I am 2,500 miles from home living this crazy adventure that has become my life! :) His hobbies are cooking me awesome meals, Call of Duty sessions with his buddies, saving as much money as he possibly can and making messes around the house! LOL I would say just kidding, but....Anyway! He is a really great man and I love him more than words could say. On days when he is pushing my buttons this would be a completely different story. Haha... oh boy. I ♥ you babe.

Our Duke ♥

Duke is our pure bred chocolate lab. We got him when he was 9 months and already a big boy. His original owners were our neighbors 2 doors down. He is a typical lab and loves to play fetch.

He also loves to play tug of war and we let him win because it makes him so happy. Haha. He thinks he is a chihuahua and tries to cuddle up in our laps and sleep between us, but he is the best dog and we love him so much!

JadeThe Kitty

Her name is Jade. She has pretty green eyes and doesn't like Duke in her personal space.

She's not afraid to use her claws and she is a princess, but so cute.