Monday, April 25, 2011

An early start

My mornings usually consist of waking up around 6 or 6:30 to feed the furbabies. After that, I usually pass out. Today I had a text from the friend that I have mentioned, who recently just contacted me. Long story short, instead of ever going back to bed I talked to her for a while and eventually had no interest in going back to sleep. Hubby & I went to the gym as usual and tonight I went to a friends for dinner. Her & her husband were watching the Oregon/Dallas basketball game so another friend & I joined in on the festivities. I actually got into the game somewhat, ha. Anyway hubby got off early tonight around 9:30 & later on we are going to watch the new Red Riding Hood movie. We saw Insidious last night and it was really good!! At least I thought so. It was a really crazy plot & I will just say there is definitely going to be a number 2. Yay.

Another good movie I have seen lately is one that I watched by myself on a lonely night at home while hubs was at work. It was a weird movie but I thought it was really cute and had a good storyline. It was also kind of creepy!! The movie was Coraline. It's an animated movie that came out a few years ago and I thought it was interesting that literally everything in the movie is real & handmade. It took 5 years to make it. Anyway enough about my rant on movies..but those are two I recommend.

I totally can't believe that in a month I am going to be home! It's going to be so awesome and hopefully I won't forget to take tons of pics. Between graduation, family time & being DD for the new 21 year old David..I might slack a little, but hopefully not! I have to get a black dress for graduation soon. Before our trip I also have to:
  • Get nails done
  • Tan for another month-May
  • Get hair done AKA blonder!
I love being a girl.

Day 27 - What is something you need to forgive yourself for?
There is only one thing I wish I could forgive myself for. Letting alcohol get the best of me, along with a certain someone...that's all.

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