Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Yeah, two posts in a row titled with 3 letters that basically sum up everything. Today I went to the gym twice but the first time didn't even count because it was cut short by my oh so fun and exciting placement testing at the education center. I did "excellent" on english as always but math not so much, ha big surprise. I am horrible at math. How bad? I couldn't even remember how to subtract fractions properly. Horrible! I forget everything. All I could remember was common denominators and multiplying the top by blah blah. I thought I had the technique down but none of the answers matched mine. Anyway I'm ready for the college English 101 class but I will be in elementary algebra. LOL. Oh well.

Still debating on starting in summer or fall..but I know I will be a slacker if I start in the summer so it will most likely be fall. I want to thoroughly enjoy my summer..especially seeing as hubby will finish phase 2 training in August and will officially be "deployable." So Sept-Dec is a good possibility of him leaving and I think enjoying the summer without stress is a good idea. I wanted to get ahead of my high school class by starting college early but my decision making in my major pushed it back. So I am looking at my graduating early as a chance to get a much longer & much needed break from school and the stress it brings. Amen.

Anyway tonight I went to the gym and ran two miles with a friend. Actually jogged & talked. :-) Instead of running outside we ran around the track inside so that's what we will probably start doing. I have finally found a consistent gym partner who wants to go all the time & likes to have a good workout! So I am happy about that. I did not get my brownies today because I was busy and didn't really think about them. But now that I am it sucks not having them. I am definitely PMS'ing because I finished my birth control pack yesterday and I am getting very annoyed by little things that normally don't annoy me. This is not a happy time for me. Lol. Hopefully it is a quick week. On top of that the power went out in the middle of my tanning session today so I was only in for 12 minutes instead of 20. I actually had an okay day but I am being a total debby downer because I do not feel good. :-(

Other than mother nature life is grand but now I'm going to go be pissed off somewhere else. Lol. My poor husband.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog and love it. I love how real you are. I read your story of you and your hubs and it reminded my a ton of me and my hubbys story. Hes in the army and almost done with his tech school then I FINALLY get to be with him. We might even end up in washington:)
