Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A little wishful thinking

Day 14 - If you had unlimited resources, what would your life look like?

Oh goodness..a girl could go on and on with this one couldn't she??
Well for starters we would not be living on base. :-) If we had unlimited resources the convenience of base living wouldn't be worth it anymore. Hubby and I would be living in a house something like this one:

(And I would most definitely have a housekeeper)

In our driveway would be a nice white M3 for me..

and I will speak for hubby because I know him well enough to say that a Skyline would be right beside my car there for him.

Other than house and cars I really can't think of anything else I would want..other than maybe a huge closet with a ridiculous amount of clothes and accessories. :-)

We are still young and have a very long road ahead of us until we are anywhere near this point! That's for sure. Until then we will continue building our savings, staying debt free & not spending more than we should! :-) 

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