Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not too much to say

Day 13 - Where are you spiritually? In a valley or on a mountain?
I would say I am somewhere in between. I think spirituality is what gives me a positive attitude towards everything in life.  I believe there is always a light at the end of every tunnel and if you are at the bottom there is no where to go but up. If I didn't have my faith I would feel lost and like I was living a life with no purpose.

Today has been a lazy kind of day. Due to hubby being on swing shift, my life is on swings as well. He leaves for work around 2:30 in the afternoon and usually gets home around 11. Since he has to sleep half of the day, he stays up late every night. Well so do I, and I sleep in right along with him. Today we woke up at 1. That seems to be our current wake up time. I hate it. I feel like all of my day is gone. I went to the gym earlier and plan to go again tonight after hubby leaves around 8:30. He got an extended lunch today and also gets off at 10:30 so you could say there is not much to be done here at Fairchild in Crew Chief world.

Anyways...there is an elliptical calling my name right now at the fitness center. :-)

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