Monday, April 4, 2011

Sushi and other dirty things

P.S. I do like sushi...but it does have lots of germs!

So hubby & I went to the gym with some friends this morning and now he just left for work. Gotta love Mondays... Last night he asked me to go to sushi with him & his friend but I didn't feel like sushi so he got me something on the way home. Anyway apparently their waiter brought their sushi out on the same plate. Kind of weird but they ate it anyway. So then they get their bill and it's on the same check! Hahaha. They quickly told him that nooo they were NOT together and waitor was embarassed and said he was sorry for putting their food on the same plate. When they walked out hubby said "he totally thought we were gay." And hubby's friend said.."dude it was because you wore a polo." HAHAHA. I cracked up when he told me that. He wore a Ralph Lauren polo which is kind of dressy but he has so many that it's normal attire for him.

On to another story about the same friend of his. Apparently at dinner he shared a story that obviously hubby also shared with me after he got home. His friend just finished tech school and said while he was there he went to a WHORE HOUSE!!?? Do those things even exist? I didn't even think they were legal. I told hubs it was probably illegal! Gross. I've seen shows about girls that are held against their will and made to work at places. Well anyway he went, and paid $60 for a "service" for an HOUR. He said he would never do it again...but I look differently at him for going in the first place! Single guys sometimes! Sorry, I just had to share that...I thought it was soooo off the wall and nasty! I've heard of strip clubs, but this is a whole different level! Whew. And fortunately I know he will never be reading my blog :-)

Day 12 - A photograph of the town you grew up in. What did you love/hate about it?

This is a picture part of Greenville, SC's downtown area. Most of my life I grew up in Greenville county. I liked it because it was familiar and I knew how to get everywhere that I wanted to. All of my friends were there that I grew up with, a lot of them since kindergarten. Also before I moved here I was definitely ready to have independence and leave home. I'm not the kind of person who would ever stay in one place my whole life and that's why I feel like our new military lifestyle suits me perfectly. I love new places and new people, even if it means stepping out of a comfort zone, to me it is definitely worth it. Life is way too short. I hope to live many more places after we are done in Washington :-)

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