Thursday, April 7, 2011

The thought that counts

Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without. Why?
I never leave the house without my PURSE! The main things in my purse that I always want to bring with me are my cell phone, my ID to get on base and my debit card. Without my purse or one of those things I feel naked and that I shouldn't be leaving the house.

My friend from back home & I have the same Marciano purses because we are oh so fabulous. I don't carry it much though..only when I go out :-)

Today I have been cleaning the house because we are probably having people over tomorrow night. I haven't been to the gym yet but am going later tonight. I FINALLY went and got a tanning package-2 months and got one for free! Woop! I am going to be tan for my graduation at the end of May but most importantly for the summer! I can't wait to lay out by the pool & go to the lake with friends! I am a winter baby but definitely a summer girl. Did I mention summer means summer shopping?? Yay!!

Lately hubby has been way neater than normal, lol. He has been cleaning up his messes and not leaving things all over for me to pick up. Usually when he comes home from work his ABUs will be sprawled all over the house or bedroom floor. Last night I had a pleasant surprise.. it is probably the manliest form of trying to be tidy, but it's the thought that counts! They might not be hung up but they aren't in the middle of the floor...and it's progress. No ABU's on the floor can be a good thing...but I would rather have them there than none at all. It can be a bad thing too. :( Anyway..yesterday so many sweet little gestures from him yesterday made me smile. I am very thankful to have such an amazing and supportive other half. :-)

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