Friday, April 8, 2011

Can't we go back to the old days??

Day 16 - What do you miss about your childhood?
Would it be weird to say I don't miss anything about childhood??? Not to say that I didn't have a great childhood, because I did. I just love the person I am today and place I am today so much that I wouldn't turn back time if I could. Childhood was carefree and I had no worries, so if I had to pick one thing it would be that. No responsibility was pretty awesome :-)

Whew...yesterday and today has been a complete whirlwind, not only in the military community but the whole country. I am burnt out on thinking, hearing and talking about it; because I have done so much of all. My opinion on it is exactly what you would expect from any military spouse...I think the whole thing is very un-American. However, thankfully a decision was made and there will be no government shutdown or pay cuts. Why cutting military pay was even an acceptable option I don't know.....

Here is a really great quote I got from a facebook friend's status..
"Congressmen who willfully take action during wartime that damages morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hung."
— Abraham Lincoln
THOSE are the kind of government leaders we need today!!

My venting is done...Today I went shopping with some girls..if you even want to call it that (at least for me). With the possibility of only getting half a check next week, I really didn't buy anything. Hubby and I were planning on stretching our last check and the next one as far as possible, because we really don't touch our savings..and that's probably why they have grown so much. I got an extendable dog leash since Duke broke our last one, and that was it! Hubby told me to go shopping if I wanted to but I didn't. Go me! All of our savings have been contributed by David and I am really proud of him for that..but I have a part in them too, because when I can spend money I usually choose not to and let it go into savings or I don't touch the savings when I can. That's exactly how I think of

One day I will have my own savings account (Daddy told me not to have a joint account so I can watch my own grow lol) but for now I am soaking up a break from school and having a job and just being a housewife. However it irks me sometimes that I am not busy or doing something productive to move further in school is definitely in my near future. I am thinking about starting off with a Nail Tech certification and getting a job at a salon in town, and then working on my degree. OR getting a Veterinary Assistant certification. I want to get a good paying job to have throughout college and I think both are good options. I would definitely enjoy doing people's nails and learning how & I love any kind of salon environment, but I would also love working with animals because I adore them. I have a little while to decide though!

I'm off to Applebee's for half off appetizers..yum!

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