Sunday, April 10, 2011

Good friends and good food :)

Day 17 - Something you crave a lot.
Sometimes a girl just needs chocolate. I definitely get cravings for chocolate and hubby definitely makes trips for me! They mostly come around *that time of the month* (go figure) but sometimes I just really want some brownies. When we buy chocolate stuff hubby knows he has to get his share..because it will be gone soon. HAHA. That was the story all the brownies I have made...ha. The first time I "made" brownies I completely ruined them. They were Ghiradelli, goooooo figure again. I guess I'm so used to being in good old below sea level SC....and I didn't read the bottom of the directions. "High altitude: Add 1 cup of self rising flour" OOPS! brownies were more like hard, chewy, chocolate fudge stuck to the bottom of the pan. FAIL! My cookie brownies the other day, however, were not :)

I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday. Last night hubs and I were supposed to go over to a friend's to grill out and party but I fell asleep and we didn't go..there's always next weekend-they like to have a good time! Finally, I have met some more people like me here, lol. After we woke up which was around 11? We watched The Orphan on HBO and not only do I think it was a great movie, but it was pretty creepy! I recommend it, even though I have heard good and bad things about it before.

Today/night we went to dinner at one of hubby's friends houses. I had a vegetarian meal specially cooked for MEE! :) It was this flatbread pizza kind of thing, kind of like a Margherita pizza..and it was soo yummy. I am definitely FULL and ready for bed. But I am watching the "new episode of Family Guy" with the guys...I let them have the TV, and I will have to catch up on Army Wives and Coming Home soon. I'm so tired I wasn't that interested in even watching I will be hitting the sack shortly!

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