Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New and improved

So today was delivery day :-) Hubby is about to leave for work and I am about to test these babies out! After the gym we had to stop by the commissary to get some new laundry detergent, because our other bottle isn't "high efficiency" detergent and we can't use it. So I am giving it to a friend. I have a huge pile of clothes that has been sitting in our guest room getting bigger and bigger...I have never let laundry build up past 1 or 2 loads so I am definitely ready to get it all DONE!

Just some of the clothes that need washing..

Even though I hate that our laundry room is in our basement and it feels like a dungeon, I am going to like doing laundry more for sure. Today I have to go check a friend's mail who is out of town, tan & go to the gym again. Hubby & I have been health freaks lately; going to the gym everyday with his friends & mine. We also have been stocking up on lots of fruits and veggies & other healthy foods. But don't think I haven't been eating the strawberry cheesecake that's in the fridge. Ha

 I am so ready to be able to wear summer clothes and bathing suits, and I wish these mid-April snow flurries would STOP!!! I was skyping with a friend from home yesterday and told her all about our weird weather here. Speaking of Skype I had to take a screen shot of this little sweetheart waving at me!! She is the cutest thing in the world.

Can't wait to see them in May! :-)

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