Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Decisions, decisions

Day 24 - Tell us something you think no one really knows about you
Hmm....My dream job would include traveling the world and seeing beautiful places and things. I have always thought photographers for National Geographic have the best jobs in the world.

Today I did a some more shopping with some girls. Not too much, but a little. I also had to return a shirt that my mom sent me for Easter-I didn't like it. It was definitely something she would wear but not me. Lol, thanks anyway Mom. It helped out with my other stuff though. :-) I would post pictures of what I got, but I'm going home soon and what are new clothes if everyone has seen them already?? Lol. Maybe I'm just silly.

I talked to a friend today who recently got a job in radiology. It has been one of the things I have really considered going into, and after talking to her I think I'm going for it. Now I'm debating on starting in summer, or just starting in fall when the rest of my class will start college. Even if I graduated early and didn't get ahead of them, I am so glad I am not still in high school until June :-) But I am so so so excited to walk with everyone! Yay!

I'm off to the gym for a late workout sesh. Hubby went alone today because I was too busy snoring :-)

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