Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chaotic morning

First off, this morning mainly sucked because I had to be up not just early, but really early. For some people it's the norm but not for this girl! I had a dentist appointment at 7:30 so I was up at 6. I didn't feel well and all I wanted to do was plop back down in bed. But instead I dragged myself out into the cold and left around 7. On the way there it started snowing, it has been randomly snowing the past week. Spokane definitely had a weird "spring." After taking wrong turns & getting lost multiple times, and even accidentally driving into oncoming traffic (yeah I obviously still don't know the roads around here), I made it there alive at exactly 7:30 but luckily had all my paperwork printed and filled out already. Anyway I got x rays, my teeth cleaned, and a referral to an oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth out. That is going to be one fun filled day let me tell you.

Fortunately all my teeth are really healthy and I still have never had a cavity so I was happy about that. I got a lot of compliments on my smile and teeth which I was surprised about. They have started to crowd a little so I am looking into getting that fixed because it gets bad. So after I am healed from the wisdom teeth surgery I will be getting invisalign. It's going to be $4,200 which is ridiculously expensive but my parents are picking up that bill for me which I definitely appreciate. With one income hubby & I are not interested in extra expenses every month.

When I got home I jumped back in bed and my sweet kitty was the first one to follow me. She has started burrowing under my covers to snuggle up next to me and it's so cute. She slept with me the whole time :-) I just wish she would be nicer to Duke because we have considered getting rid of her for making him bleed. He came first....

Anyway...34 days til we're on a plane to SC!

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