Saturday, April 23, 2011

Falling together

Lately everything has been going right. I have made choices to keep the right people in my life & the wrong ones out, and don't regret it one bit. I have met some amazing people who are just like my friends back home and who I am really growing to love. I am one step closer to enrolling in summer classes & starting college by taking my placement test next Thursday. I have AMAZING family & friends across the country I would not trade for anything. I have a beautiful little family here, I am healthy and happy with myself. I know I have said it before and it might sound like bragging but I am just thankful and feel so blessed. I know there are people out there who are less fortunate and I wonder why me? It doesn't seem fair that some people are dealt better hands than others and I wish everyone could be equally happy in life.

 I can only thank God and remember never to take anything for granted. But even through any struggles and misfortunes-which no one doesn't have, I never fail to realize...God is great. When times are good he is there to thank and when they are bad he is there to hold and help you. This is how I feel and I wish true "faith" on everyone, even if it is their own kind of faith, it is a comfort like no other when you truly believe in something so great.

Today I went to the gym with just hubby, tanned as usual (I am getting there!) and went on a walk around base with a girl I met recently. It was such a pretty day today!! I really hope a REAL spring is coming soon..even if it stays a little chilly I think it's refreshing! I don't like too cold and I definitely don't like too hot either. Tonight I went with some girls to Applebee's. I am about ready for bed but I don't think hubby is because he is playing call of duty and that's just awesome.. Not. :-) It's actually pretty annoying because I get no attention whatsoever. He gets so in the zone that if I say something to him I get a very delayed response. Annoying!!!

Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you

This smart puppy right here! I love him so much and can't imagine ever replacing him

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