Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter! :-)

Well in about half an hour it will officially be Easter over here on the west coast. I live on the west coast??? It's still really weird sounding to me!! We are planning on a California road trip this summer...and I never envisioned myself going on a *road trip* to California. Pretty cool....I must say. Anyway our plans for tomorrow are to have a yummy dinner at home, maybe with a friend or two. Hopefully tomorrow will be equally as beautiful as today was. The weather was amazing. I met a friend at the gym but it didn't take too long before we found ourselves on another walk/run around base. It was definitely t-shirt weather today but the air was still cool so we didn't really get hot at all. Tomorrow we are also hoping to get around to bringing Duke out to the park to play for a little and having family time. If it's not a nice day that will be a bummer but I still look forward to it. Not too much to say today..but, 32 days til SC! Almost at the month countdown!!

Day 25 - Someone who impacts your life regularly
The picture speaks for itself and I thought it was also very suiting for Easter :-)

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