Sunday, April 17, 2011

New toys and old friends

Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
No one has hurt me recently but I'm sure they have tried. I laugh at and PITY people who are just as ugly outside as they are inside :-) I'm sure the mirror has told them this lately, so no need to.

Today we finally went and ordered our new washer and dryer set!! They are coming Tuesday to deliver them and install them and I am soo excited :-) Who would have thought you could be excited to do laundry?! We got Whirlpool front loaders and what do you know..they are the exact ones my parents have. A little piece of hom all for me :-) We didn't get the optional pedastools though because they were an extra $500 and we were already spending $2000. It took a little chunk out of our savings but luckily we have enough to do splurge once in a while. I am glad we don't put anything on credit cards and have no debt. I am thankful for that and also that my hubby spoils me. Lol. Anyway I will post pictures of our latest purchase on Tuesday!

An old friend from home called me yesterday. It was quite a surprise. Her & I haven't spoken in a while because we had a falling out (twice), but she used to be my best friend and we have had so many great times together. I look back on a lot of my favorite high school memories and she was right there beside me. It is hard to ever completely let go a person like that, and almost impossible to want to. She asked me if I was going to be home to walk at graduation, and if everything could be ok between us. She is recently engaged and I am happy for her & wish her nothing but the best, no matter what our terms are. I will always be there for her as a friend and as someone who knows what it's like to be married so young. I hope I see her when I'm home and am able to spend some time with her and catch up. It really will be nice and connect with my friends, and South Carolina again.

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