Saturday, April 16, 2011

A little blurry

  Day 21 - A photo of something that consistently makes you happy

I was going to post two pictures, but then I remembered this one. First, my husband constantly makes me happy. We are both stubborn, sarcastic and short tempered at times but through all of the "butting heads" he makes me so happy and I can't picture my life without him by my side.
Second, my Duke. He is the most wonderful dog I have ever had. He is crazy and gets a little too excited sometimes (as you can see in the picture) but he is such a big part of my life & our family. I love him and don't know what I would do without him either! He may make us angry sometimes, like the other day when he ate half of a 10 dollar bill LOL, but he brings so much joy and laughter into our lives as well.
So last night is fuzzy. LOL. Told you I was planning on having a good weekend. I wish I had pictures but none were taken. Lol. I went over to a friend's who was having a party and one shot led to on and so forth. It was the first time I have really drank in a while so it didn't take much between whipped vanilla vodka/Orange crush shots & white wine. Hi mom. Ha. :-)  No worries, Hubby got off work at 10 and came over & we left around 12-HE drove me home. I definitely was not driving and DEFINITELY not driving back onto base! So yeah, until about 3:00 today my car was still sitting in front of their house. Lol. After I went to pick up my car my first stop was Subway because somehow the veggie sub I always get is the cure to my hangover, and I always get one the day after.

I'm still deciding what I am going to do tonight. If I feel 100% I might go out with some friends to the casino for a birthday, or to Spokane's next top model fashion show (which should be really good!!) OR hubby & I might get dinner with some other friends we like to go to dinner with. I wish I could fit them all into my night but I don't think I can. We will see. My next stop however is the gym, then I am tanning. I didn't tan yesterday because my schedule was so hectic, I was shopping and almost didn't make my hair appointment. After my hair appointment I had to come home feed the dogs and finish getting ready before the party started.
I was still a little late. What's new??

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