Friday, April 1, 2011

2 tickets home!

Happy April Fools everyone! I think this holiday is pretty stupid but it can be funny. I tried to get my hubby but got totally shot down. He got home from work and we sat down on the sofa together and I tried to get him with the I'm pregnant joke. He looked at me and said "I know you better than that, this would be way more emotional." LOL I guess I didn't do a very good job. Oh well.

Last night I went ahead and booked our plane tickets home! We are leaving on May 25 and staying until June 2. The main point of those dates were to include David's 21st birthday (YAY!!!) and my graduation ceremony. It was definitely be a nice visit. I cannot wait to see my friends. I also can't wait to see my best friend's beautiful baby's crazy how in a few months you can miss first words and standing up/walking! :-( I also can't wait for David to be 21 and us all go out with friends. And hopefully go to the beach for a few days. Or even just a day trip. YESSSSS!! :-)

Day 9 - A photo of your last significant purchase. Did it satisfy a need or a want?
I would say our last "significant" purchase was our tv. It was definitely a want and not a need. We have our 37" sitting in the basement and can't decide what to do with it now. Anyway, for a while we debated whether we wanted a 55" LCD or 47" LED. Well, we ended up going with the led and were very pleased with how it fit in our living room. While I personally cannot tell a difference in quality..I'm sure it's there. Lol

It looks kind of sideways, but I took the picture weird

Anyway.. I am off to the gym by myself today. Sometimes I kind of like not talking through my whole workout and thinking instead. :-)

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