Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pampering, and a little advice..

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Day 8 - The best advice you've ever received
I sat here pondering this question and then I decided I really don't know what the best advice I ever received was. I think it's hard for me to answer because I have never been one to ask for advice very often, especially on important things or topics. I know people have given me great advice but looking back I can't recall anything specific that really stuck with me. I think I mostly rely on my own judgments and feelings. I will say that being so young, my parents didn't really agree with me getting married or moving my life out here. I completely understand where they are coming from, but throughout all of it some of my amazing friends back home supported me 100%. They told me to follow my heart, make my own decisions, and not let anything hold me back from what I wanted. That advice & support from them really helped me out and didn't make me feel like I was making a huge mistake. I love my them dearly for that.

Today I woke up with butterflies...Why? I'm not going to say, I don't want to speak too soon. But maybe I'll have some news coming soon. So far it has been a good say, I will say that. I got my nails done today for the first time since I have been here (2 months!!!), and that is a record for me! Back home I always had a manicure gracing my fingertips but here my money spending priorities changed a little. My house is an ongoing project and has gotten more attention from me than myself has. Ha. I do love having my tips back on, and will hopefully stay in the routine of keeping up with them. :-) I went to a place called T's right down the road from the base and I have found my new nail salon..T did my nails herself & she's great!

There they are, and my tiny bony fingers!! lol

I also got my Starbuck's coffee fix today for the millionth time this week. Slowly but surely I'm picking up all routines from back home! Today I got a venti (biggest one) and probably shouldn't have because I am jittery and cannot sit still for the life of me. It's good though because the house is nice and tidy and I did it in record time. But I am going to stick to talls from now on..

OH YEAH!! I got some really cool news yesterday. A girl from back home who graduated with hubs messaged me, and said she got a letter from her boyfriend (who is at Marine "boot camp") saying he is going to be stationed at Fort Lewis in WA and wanted her to find out from hubs how far it is from us!! He is also one of hubs' good friends from home. Well Fort Lewis is also Mcchord AFB and it's like 5 hours away..which is AWESOME!! What are the chances his good friend from SC (2500+ miles away) will now be in the same state as us, and not even a bad drive. Hubby was ecstatic and I am so excited for him to have a friend here. It's a good feeling I'm sure. :-) He is even more excited for our lake trips this summer. I'm just excite for summer period, and to get back to THIS!

laying out!! :-)


  1. We're at lewis and we're Western Washington your base is Eastern, so probably a few hours at best.

  2. nice story. happy bloging...
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