Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gotta love sweet surprises

Day 10 - What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?
Well I will be the first person to say I am a huge girly girl. I absolutely love to get pampered and/or pamper myself. The main things for me are manicures/pedicures and getting my hair done. I would like to get my makeup done more often but getting your makeup done everyday would be expensive! Maybe one day =) I still love doing my own makeup though. I love running a bubble bath and exfoliating. Facials are absolutely amazing but also costly and I have only had one. =( Never had a professional massage but I plan on it eventually...Until then the hubby does just fine! But he always wants one in return. :/ Haha.

Today has been a lazy day so far. D (hubby) went to dinner at his friend's parent's house. They're making chili and were going to cook me a seperate meal but I decided not to go. I'm sitting at home right now watching Holly's this show. Everytime I watch it, it makes me want to take a random trip to Vegas even more than I already do. D and I will definitely go there together one day..Probably when I turn 21, which I'm not holding my breath for. HA.

Along with me being lazy and not going to dinner, I also did not go to the grocery store. D went all by himself! Ha. We always go together, but he actually did really well. He definitely kept me in mind...=)

YUM! =)

Also wanted to share this video. Definitely my favorite song right now. Love them!

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