Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spider house call

Day 19 - What is something you hope never changes about you
Something that I hope never changes about me is my positive attitude. The only thing that can really keep me down is losing someone I love

Sooo our washer is officially done! It worked fine until I guess it shimmied it's way off of the ledge it was on in the laundry room, fell over and broke. Ha. I knew it was uneven and off balance but I didn't know it was that bad! Our laundry room was flooded when I found out but luckily our laundry room has a drain on the floor so it was all gone pretty quick. Oh well, this weekend when hubby doesn't have to work we are going to buy a new set. We should have invested in one to begin with. We are planning on getting some high efficiency front loaders and I am so ready to be able to wash clothes with some luxury! My parents have some at home and they are really I am ready to get ours.

The tanning is coming along better than I expected. In January when I got to Washington I had a great tan and lost it, but now I am picking it up again quicker than I thought I would. On the flip side it turned my acryllic nails a yellow color so I ripped them off because I can't stand that. I definitely need to invest in some Nail Savers so I don't have to deal with that anymore!

A little while ago I just got back from a friend's who called me to come over and kill a spider! Hahaha. Too funny. Her husband is deployed and I have already had to kill a spider for her. That was one of the things I was not born afraid of, instead I got stuck with a stupid fear like frogs. ha. Anyway I rushed over there only to find that the spider had disappeared. I told her to definitely invest in some Raid

Well I am pooped from the gym so I am plopping down on the couch til hubby is home from work. He had to work a 12 yesterday so hopefully not again tonight

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