Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lazy Saturday

We all know I am a complete lazy ass in the mornings, and if you don't already then you should. So of course today I was supposed to meet at a friend's house to go tanning & go to a Pure Romance party with some girls, and completely slept through it and all the wake-up texts. Not cool. I really wanted to go..a girl's day spent tanning, drinking strawberry margaritas and chocolate martinis & having a good time looking at Pure Romance stuff sounded amazing. But amazing is also how it feels curled up in my warm comforter every morning too....

Anyway, at least I did something productive and did some shopping with a friend this evening. I only purchased 1 item and luckily it was the item I had set out to find. I can finally say I have my graduation dress. It was $98 marked down to $60 so I got a pretty good deal. It is just a casual, plain black dress by Max Studio. I made sure not to get anything too dressy or heavy because it will be hot! That's a guarantee in South Carolina especially in late May. With a sunny day ending in snowfall and rain today, there are no guarantees in Spokane, and I'm wondering if spring really exists here at all. I have recently been told to wait until after the "third week of May." So I will keep everyone updated on that theory.

I also stopped by a neighbor's yard sale and got Duke some big dog treats and a water bowl that refills itself with a 27 gallon jug. It will be so much easier than filling up his bowl every hour, because that dog can down some water!! On another good & bad note, I "started" 2 days ago. Good because 1) I am not prego, so it is always a good thing and bad because, well, I started. Blah. My friend pointed out today that that is probably why I have been so sleepy today and she is probably right. I slept in, hubby & I took a nap, and now I am sleepy again. Oh well,...what can you do? My answer is go with it, relax and enjoy my weekend with the hubby because he is always at work during the week..that's my excuse anyway!

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