Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So long Spokane

Well I will be up at 4 in the morning to prepare for our trip home. We will need to be at the airport around 5, and our flight is at 6:15. Our layover will be in Denver (yay!) and then to the East coast (double yay!!!!) We will be landing around 6:30pm eastern time, which will be 3:30 our time. No jet lag for us! Until we come back here..lol.

We are coming back on June 2nd..so I should post again sometime around then :-)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring brings new things

Like my rhyme? Lol. Well the new things that spring brings today are....
baby birds!! Yes this is an update on my grill fiasco. The little blue eggs I found in the grill while hubby was away have officially hatched. I knew this when hub & I heard little chirps coming from our backyard! They are so very sweet. I also learned that if I go outside and make a little noise, it will get them all started up, because they think it's their mommy bringing them food. One of hubbys friends was over and I told him to open up the grill, because I was too scared too. I get creeped out kind of easily. So he did and I managed to snap a picture!

If you look closely, between all the feathers and brush, there are little yellow beaks..which means little tiny baby birdies! They were very cute chirping and getting all excited for food when we opened it. I am pretty sure they can't see yet, so they are clueless. Lol. Too sweet :)

The weather here has been great lately. What I was told about waiting until the "third week of May" was pretty much true, because our weather is becoming much more Spring-like and enjoyable. You can't really help but be in a great mood when you wake up in Spokane to sun and a warm day. Hubby and I have been getting ready for our trip home- which is in TWO days!! Unreal. I have been cleaning the house, we have gone shopping to make sure the animals have enough food, but we still have most of our packing to do. Procrastinators..exactly what we are. I can't wait to be home and I hope to get so many pictures, but I have a thing with getting caught in the moment and completely not worrying about taking pictures. Blah.

My hair is even lighter blonde now than it was before and I like it! New hair always takes some getting used to..but its a nice change :) It goes with my tan pretty well...if I do say so myself! Oh yeah, today hubby also mowed our backyard which was becoming very jungle like. It was definitely much needed and Duke was pretty confused when we let him out afterwards! Lol

Hubby at hard work..lol. So glad I just ate and watched.

So excited for May 25th @ 6:30am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011


That is exactly what my emotions have been lately. I don't mean that in a negative way, or even a positive one. I haven't been crying or excessively happy. I guess I consider them a whirlwind because I am very confused. Sometimes life gets very confusing. That is in fact what makes life what it is. Uncertainty and confusion. Especially when you are faced with decisions that you need to make. Weighing the pros and cons of important decisions gets a little exhausting and at times can leave you just stressed out. I won't go into too much detail, though it isn't anything I am trying to hide, timing just isn't right right now. I will say that no matter how many responsibilities I have picked up in life, no matter how many huge steps I have taken, at the end of the day I am still an 18 year old girl. I still have all the same desires to do things that my friends do at home. Independence is still new and as each day passes I only gain more. It is a beautiful thing to me. I am only 18, but sometimes feel like I am just so much older. Older because of the insight I have on certain things, and older because of the lifestyle I have chosen.

Which brings me to a major question in my life, which is whether or not it is all right for me. I love it here in Spokane, I love Fairchild, I love the friends I have made here, I love my little home, I love my animals, I love myself, and most important I love my husband, the man who asked for my hand in marriage and who I happily gave it to. But when you roll it all up into one, it's a heavy load, and sometimes I feel like it is weighing me down. I know it is probably a very normal feeling and I know the choices I have made in my life have ended me up here, but sometimes I just wish I could have taken on everything that I have at a later time in my life. A time when I am more ready to dedicate myself to things other than finding myself and the freedom you want while you are young. I don't regret any of the decisions I have made. I have said it before and will say it again. Moving here was one of the best things I have ever done. And when it all comes down to it, this is where I will stay. I moved my life out here, settled in, and I am not leaving it behind. I am happy here.

With this being said, maybe I am just going through a confusing time, but I feel like this confusion will only grow with time. Sometimes you are given everything in life, and everything you are given makes you incredibly happy but somehow there is something inside you that reaches out for something more. Something different. Something that only you can give to yourself, because it is yourself. This may not make a lot of sense to any readers, but it really truly does to me. If I could go into detail, and spill out my life story in a blog, I think it would make a lot more sense. But for now, I will just say that I am a very strong spirited person. I love life and I see beauty in so many different things. I love to explore the world and I love new places and people. I love being young and moving through life, learning and growing. I guess the thing I am reaching out for, is to experience all of this by myself. I have been told that I need to do "soul searching" and really think about everything I feel right now. But I think that the soul searching I really need to do, I want to do alone. Maybe things will change, maybe they will not. Regardless I will be happy and follow my heart because it is what I have always done.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunshine and mishaps

The past week we have had amazing weather. Not cold, not hot, just warm and breezy. Everyone has been loving it I'm sure, because I know I have. I spoke a little too soon on hoping that nothing else stupid happens while hubs is away, because it did. Being so pretty outside, yesterday I went to open our grill in the backyard, maybe even use it? I don't know. I had never opened it before and I guess I was just curious. So, low and behold, I opened it. Before I could even get it all the way open, a BIRD flies out at full speed. I swear I almost had a heart attack, then I almost threw up when I caught a glimpse inside of a HUGE nest (maybe I shouldn't even call it a nest) and a bunch of little blue eggs. I'm sorry, but I thought it was really gross and disgusting. I guess I am not a bird person. And definitely not a fan of using any grill that has been the nesting home to birds, eggs and gross little babies.

I'm definitely not one to ruin a bird's nest, in a way it's cute I guess. I just wish mama bird picked a different spot. Hopefully after those babies have hatched and left...so will she. But I have a feeling there is going to be a battle between who owns the grill...and it's not going to be her. What else are we supposed to do? In return I might put some bird houses up..lol. I won't mess with her little family though, because as yucky as it is, that would just be mean. We don't need to use the grill that bad...lol. I think we will probably just buy a new one because I definitely don't look at it as anywhere to cook food anymore. Ha. So yes...yet another thing that will have to wait to be dealt with until hubs is home. Until then, I am not going anywhere near it and probably will never open it again.

As for this beautiful Sunday I am going to go enjoy it! Hope everyone else does the same :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Rough week

Can I just start out by saying that it is much easier to start an argument when you are seperated from your significant other? I am guilty. I think it all stems from resentment that you are alone and frustration because you just want them back. It's hard being a girl..sometimes you just want to bitch about something..anything. So that sums up a little of why I have had a rough week. On top of that one of my headlights decided to go out while hubs is gone and I spent an hour taking my car apart to get to the lighting compartment under my hood. I finally got the new bulb installed and everything put back together..and it just won't turn on. After making my fingers bleed, getting dirt all over me, trying so damn hard to fix it, and thinking about how much easier it would be if hubby were home..I just gave up.
Instead I decided to plant the pansies that I got for free from the housing center on base. They gave away a free flat of flowers for Mother's Day..and even though I am not a mother I got some. :) It took me a little while to get all 12 planted, because I am a freak when it comes to seeing worms (they absolutely disgust me) and every single time I dug one up I squealed and took a little break. They really just freak me out..

Wednesday night I went to a friend's house to spend the night. It was just a girl's night at her apartment and I only had 2 strawberry margaritas but it wasn't long before they had us sleeping like babies. I was in my car at 7 the next morning though, on my way home to feed my babies. Such a good mama. I wouldn't drive myself home that early if I was hungry, but I will do it for them :) I haven't been doing anything else really special besides seeing friends here and there, tanning and the normal cleaning routine at home. Duke has been getting nightly walks regularly and he's a happy camper when he gets to see his furball friends. I have 7 days til hubby is home..and 12 until hubby and I are "home." Yay. Time is going by much faster than expected. Hopefully something as little as a head light or worm won't stress me out again until then...I'm such a girl. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In a nutshell

I want my hubby home now!! I was looking through old pictures of us on my desktop and it is crazy how far we have come. I have so many beautiful, wonderful memories with him!!! Here is one of my favorites from the night he proposed :)

Ugh. 11 more days. Which is nothing but even when he is gone for a day I miss the crap out of him!!
Anyway, my package ended at the salon that I was tanning at. Now I am tanning at my friend's salon and it is so much nicer and I am seeing results way quicker. I'm glad I made the switch because all the more tan I'll be before we go home! I bet I sound like a tanoholic the last month or so. Because I am on a mission! I know half of South Carolina is already tan due to laying out by pools or going to the lake...LUCKY!

So glad hubby gets 3 full days off of work when he gets home! And then to SC we gooo!!!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Deployment thoughts

I don't read many blogs, but there are a few that I like to keep up with. One in particular is incredibly touching to me. It belongs to a widow, former military wife, who lost her husband in Afghanistan. Not once have I read a post without crying, because when I read it I truly feel for her. I cannot imagine how it would feel to lose my husband, to never hear his voice again, never feel his arms around me, to know that he was never coming home. When I picture myself in her position my heart aches for her. My heart aches at the thought of losing the reason I am so happy and excited for my future. Because my future is my husband. Everything I envision in my life, I envision with him beside me. My life would become a deep emptiness and I would find no purpose in anything at all. Could a hole like that ever be filled?

So many people complain about deployments. Complain about the military. That their husband has been gone too long, or has left too often. About this, that, and whatever. I understand a deployment is a stressful thing and that it is not a fun time. We have not been through our first deployment yet but I am not dreading it, nor am I looking forward to it, but I am ready to deal with it when the time comes. It is a fact of life in the military and it is not something you can change no matter how much you bitch, moan and complain about it. So why emotionally beat yourself up over it? or your husband? The point I am getting at is, reading Katie's blog really makes you remember that life is fragile. Life is not promised for tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. It may sound cliche, but to so many widows like her, it is real. Her husband is never coming home. That is something I would never wish upon anyone. I know that when my time does come along, of course I will be sad, and of course I will get lonely..but I will always remember to be so incredibly thankful that I still have my husband, because of her and her story. God knows, she would give anything to hear her husband's voice or see his face on Skype one time a day, even if that was all she could have the rest of her life. Yet that is not good enough for so many people. But that is why I will be thankful, for every day that I may have to come home to an empty house-but a day that I still have him.

For anyone interested, you can visit her blog at http://www.katieandchadwade.blogspot.com/


Can I just fast forward time? Fast forward through our chilly beginning to Spring-onto sunshine and warmer  weather. Through the next 2 weeks hubby is away so that my house can liven up and I have something to look forward to in my day. Through this whole month! So that hubby & I can be on a plane to Atlanta and a car ride HOME!! And finally to June 7 when I start my new job :) Yes I have a job all lined up for when I get home..pretty exciting! This month and next should be very interesting so I wish these lagging days would hurry up and pass. But the more you look forward to things and want time to speed up,  the slower it goes. Blah :P

I am anxious to be home again because it already feels kind of foreign to me. Is that weird? I moved my entire life here and started fresh, and somehow the place I grew up seems so distant to me. Don't get me wrong, I am excited to be home. South Carolina will always be "home" to me, but it will be different being there than it ever has before. First, I have my own home now. My own animals. I clean and make food for myself. Independence is the general idea I am getting at, I guess. So now I am going back to stay with my parents, in a guest bedroom, leave all of new life behind for a little, and live at home again.....just sounds weird to me. Even little things like changing my daily wardrobe will take a little getting used to. I don't have to wear jackets, jeans and boots while I am there. That will be a nice change, but still a change. We also won't have our own transportation so that is something that will take some adjustment.

Honestly it will just feel like another world. But I am so excited for our leave date! Sometimes I feel like I have more fun getting to my destinations than I do actually arriving to them. I find excitement in packing my bags, navigating through airports, being on airplanes and every little thing that traveling entails. This will also be hubby & I's first airplane ride(s) together..it has always been me flying to see him or the Air Force flying him somewhere new. So that's another reason why it will be a fun trip there. I hope I manage to get tons of pictures and I am not too preoccupied with life to take some-like always. :)

17 days!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A small world

Well yesterday was military spouse appreciation day..yes, we have our own day and I am very proud to say that lol. Even if only we know about it..ha. So in honor of that, this morning on base was a "spa day" for the wives at Fairchild from 10-2. Well, I woke up around 10 to a text from a friend asking if I was coming. If I wouldn't have gotten a text...I probably would have stayed in bed :) So I threw my hair up in a ponytail and went. They had the Paul Mitchell school doing hair cuts & styles, mini manicures, eyebrow waxing, chair massages from Current spa, jewelry cleaning, yoga and FOOD!! Me and my girls definitely chowed down on some chocolate covered strawberries haha. Oh yeah and everyone got 2 boxes of girl scout cookies..random. I got samosas and thin mints for hubby when he gets home :)

Anyway, I had to meet someone so I only had time to get my jewelry cleaned because they took forever on waxing manicures and hair. It was all free though and I thought it was pretty cool. Especially considering a LOT of bases do nothing in honor of our special day...so I am not complaining :) Speaking of jewelry I think I am just a damn idiot for not taking my rings to get inspected in March for their semiannual check-up. I probably just blew my warranty. I am a f***ing idiot......that's pretty much how I feel about that one. I will be getting a pretty awesome ring for our 1 year anniversary (in November) and I have definitely learned my lesson and will not slack on that one :( But I am so very pissed at myself for being such a dumb ass. I was very ashamed to tell my revelation to hubby..who didn't act upset with me but I'm sure he was...

Oh well. So listen to this...First off, I am from a very small town in South Carolina, which also happens to be on the complete opposite side of the country from where I am now. I met an airman stationed here today who happened to see my area code and recognized it as South Carolina, so naturally he asked me if I was from there. Then of course I wanted to know how he knew that, and turns out, he is from Simpsonville-the town I am from! So he says..."You didn't go to Hillcrest did you??" Why yes, yes I did go to Hillcrest. He graduated in 2004 so he is older than me or my hubby (I'm 2011 and hubby is 2008) but him & I both thought it was pretty much the coolest thing. It put a smile on my face..I'm not sure why but I guess it feels nice to have someone else here from HOME and have so much in common with a stranger I just happened to meet. Funny how things happen sometimes...

Hubby is still gone for 14 more days..tear. Lol. I love him so much and even when we are apart for a measly 2 days, it doesnt feel right and I want him by my side again. We start sending corny mushy texts approximately 12 hours of being apart, or less. Lol. Absence makes the heart grow fonder...I am a firm believer in that quote because since he left the first time in June for basic I have experienced it to the fullest. And will continue to until he no longer serves..and I am ready for all of the absences he will have in my life, because they are always worth it when we kiss and it feels like the first time all over again. This turned into a sappy love story...but long story short, he is my other half and life without him just isn't so sweet.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Early morning goodbyes

So this week hubby has been on day shift instead of swings. They are going through "training" right now so their schedule is something like 7-3. But they can come and go as they please because it is basically a week off of work given to them so they can study/train/whatever..and be on point in a few weeks. It seems kind of unorganized but I guess it works..lol. I do know that it is taken advantage of, because I have seen it firsthand this week by hubby & all of his friends. One of them didn't even show up the first day, but what do you know, they didn't even call his name at roll call-or hubby's. Yeah a little unorganized lol. Yesterday morning I woke up around 10, sat up and all of a sudden from right beside me, up pops my husband "BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW I WAS HERE!!" Haha...he is such an idiot. I definitely had no idea he was laying beside me, or even home at all. And I was so tired I didn't even say anything, or ask why he was home, I just went back to sleep. When I woke up a little later, he was asleep. Come to find out, he just "felt" like coming home for a little. Must be nice..lol. My friend & I also went to the car wash on base yesterday because it was a pretty day and quite frankly our cars needed it. So now they are nice and shiny :-)

Today I tanned, went to the gym w/ hubby & his friend. He brought me a box of krispy kreme doughnuts home today..that's something you don't know whether to thank someone for or not. Haha jk.. I was definitely happy. I ate 3 for breakfast but I justify that by him and his friends eating 6. Speaking of his friends, my house was swarmed by them all day playing the new "map pack" on COD zombies..whatever its called. My living room was pretty much invaded so I came to the bedroom and played around on the laptop. I did not want to be involved in all that rifraff so early. Lol anyway around 6  tonight hubby & I went to a nice dinner and afterwards to one of his friend's who was having people over for cinco de mayo. I think I am officially in the market for a yorkie or chihuahua.......I just need to find a breeder around here. :-)

 Now we are home and spending some Q.T. together because instead of him leaving Saturday for 2 weeks he is leaving tomorrow morning and I have to be up at 6 to drive, ugh..details another day. He will be gone until the 21st, then he will get 3 days off, and we leave on the 25th...so I'm sure all of the time until we go home will pass pretty quickly for him! Hopefully for me too, but probably not as fast! I'm just ready for some real spring weather, my favorite coffee drink and Cracker Barrel...yum :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh wisdom teeth

First off I woke up really sick. Not only was I having bad cramps (I always get them when my period is over, not when it is starting) but I was sick to my stomach and throwing up all morning. TMI, I know..So I didn't get much sleep this morning at all. I had an appointment at the oral surgeon at 3:45 and finally got out of there an hour later. Before insurance the cost of anesthesia and surgery would be $2,100 and with insurance it is around $500. That is a big difference but still a little pricy. None of my wisdom teeth have grown through yet or ever given me any problems, however my bottom right one is apparently growing sideways! So weird. Sideways as in it is growing not UP but towards my cheek. It is not very uncommon but it is something that could cause a lot of pain the future and discomfort so all the more reason to get those babies taken out. Especially while I am young and the roots are not deep.
He went over the surgery day with me very thoroughly. No eating or drinking for 6-8 hours before surgery. Wear comfortable clothing because I will be tucked in with a blanket for a few hours there while I am knocked out. Someone has to wait on me the entire surgery and drive me home. I have to bite down on cotton balls all day to dry up blood..EW. And I can't be alone for 24 hours after the surgery..so hubby might have to take a day off of work. They had an opening this Friday, and hubby is supposed to leave Saturday..but if I take this Friday's appointment he will not be able to go. Which apparently pleases him. Lol. I told him I think I am just going to wait to have them taken out until after we get back here and I am done with my graduation.

I definitely do not want to take any chances and not have enough time for my swelling and/or bruising to go away before we go home, so I really don't want to push it. Anyway..some girls here went out to dinner for a birthday tonight but I had just gotten done at the gym and decided to pass. I am pretty sleepy and need a shower. Lol. So I am going to do that and snuggle with my little snuggle buddy. My precious little Jade... :-)

Haha..that's what she does every morning between her mommy and daddy!

Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless America...

Yesterday was a huge victory for our country. I know this is not news to anyone but it is something that I wanted to post and share my opinion(s) on. Osama Bin Laden was someone who needed to be brought down. He was a terribly dangerous man and a great threat to our nation's security and we were reminded of that on 9/11. Now that he no longer exists, a little piece of justice was served to every victim of 9/11, every fallen soldier fighting this war on terror, and every poor family member mourning the death of a loved one each & every day. I have pride in our country and our military, because it is one step in the right direction, and a peace of mind for all of the innocent victims. Nonetheless, the death of Bin Laden will create a spark among his followers and their extremist beliefs. Aljeezra, a middle eastern news network quoted a member of one of these groups... "He is now our Martyr and we will avenged him a thousand fold." With that being said, what else is there to expect besides realiation and pure revenge? It is a scary thought and my thoughts and prayers go out to all of our military in harm's way and their families. May God watch over them and our country...and may he hold them in his arms through tragedy or sorrow.
I take so much pride in our military and what they do for us. Without them, now and throughout history, we would not be the great nation that we are. There are so many people who bash our country, and of all things our military. You know, the people who dedicate and risk their lives to keep everyone else FREE and safe, and so they can live the kind of life that they choose to. I mean.. Do these stupid asses who bash our military and what they do not realize where the hell we would be WITHOUT a military? How could anyone be so ignorant? Do you not think that if we showed such weakness, like having no defense at all, that other nation's would not jump at the chance of defeating us? We are in the middle east fighting the war on terror because our twin towers burned to the ground and thousands of OUR people were murdered...yet some people expect the United States to take no action to such a blatent punch in the face, made of pure disrespect and hatred? No successful nation would ever accept that, so we most definitely will not. And should not. And the day that we do is the day we are no longer the United States of America, but instead victim to the reign of another nation. Again, this is my insight. I am not a future teller, but to me this is commmon sense...
People say that our military shouldn't be over there, and that they are getting killed over nothing. I am the last person who wants to see any member of our military get wounded or die. But that is the military and that is what it entails. And that is the necessary sacrifice to keep our country what it is. Look throughout history, and tell me when there were not battles, wars and sacrifices. I am not a history teacher but my point is that men and women dying for the sake of their country is nothing new, so stop bashing the war on terror, like George W. Bush made some kind of huge mistake. I am an American and when anyone makes an attack on America, it is an attack on me. My blood and every aspect of my life is AMERICAN, so how can some poeple, some "Americans" not take it incredibly offensive when a group of people dedicate their lives to the death of not only AMERICANS, but America. I don't know about anyone else, but the thought of 9/11 angers me like nothing else, becuase that was my country being attacked. Ultimately, that was ME and MY loved ones.
So anyway, go ahead and thank George W. Bush. Yes, thank HIM. For putting our people out there. Because yes, Osama Bin Laden was killed yesterday? By who? Men and women who GEORGE BUSH put there in the first place. Hmm? And apparently, to some people, yesterday was a win for Obama? HAHA. It was our military intelligence to thank, and Obama happened to be the guy in office when THEY found him. Note: THEY are the same people Obama wanted pay cuts for, just within the last month. But yet Obama is to thank? This is a victory for Obama? Yes, of course it is, to the people who don't really know shit. Oh yes it makes Obama look great to them!
 Everyone has their own thoughts and viewpoints and these are mine. You are not entitled to believe everything that I do..and I realize that. But when I state how I feel I state it very strongly...
Anyway, I would just like to say that I hope everyone keeps our country and men/women of the military in their prayers. I hope that this step for our country forward does not lead to many steps back. And if it does, I hope that the people responsible will remember, that even if it takes 10 years, we are the USA and we will not forget.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

That's what I love about Sunday...

To start off, it was a beautiful day today. Hubby & I made a trip to the commissary to do some grocery shopping and then decided to go for a walk. We took Duke with us and walked to the park to play fetch and today he did great on the leash! He usually pulls and gets so distracted by everything but he was a good boy today, especially after playing fetch-he was pooped. We had a great walk and family time and I'm glad because now we have one sleepy pup. Today I decided I really wanted some banana pudding YUM! So at the commissary we got the stuff to make it. Well, I screwed up the vanilla pudding. And we both screwed up thinking that you use vanilla pudding when really you used banana flavored. So it wasn't such a big fail when I burnt it by not constantly stirring. Lol, I have never made pudding in my life! And if I have it wasn't on the stove. So on our 2nd trip, to Wal-Mart instead, we got INSTANT banana pudding. So after dinner tonight we had a very yummy desert and I am satisifed :-) It might not look yummy...but it IS!!

Today is a boring post. I'm tired and our day was a relaxing one, enjoying the weather and each other. I took some pictures so I will let them fill my post up! I'm glad we had nice weather one day out of our weekend, now on to Monday..and getting through the rest of the week.........Enjoy :-)

Needless to say we have flowers coming up!! Tulips and yellow daffodils! Can't wait to start planting more things and getting the garden looking great-and so glad we have a sprinkler system already :-) Amen for renovated houses on base!