Monday, May 9, 2011


Can I just fast forward time? Fast forward through our chilly beginning to Spring-onto sunshine and warmer  weather. Through the next 2 weeks hubby is away so that my house can liven up and I have something to look forward to in my day. Through this whole month! So that hubby & I can be on a plane to Atlanta and a car ride HOME!! And finally to June 7 when I start my new job :) Yes I have a job all lined up for when I get home..pretty exciting! This month and next should be very interesting so I wish these lagging days would hurry up and pass. But the more you look forward to things and want time to speed up,  the slower it goes. Blah :P

I am anxious to be home again because it already feels kind of foreign to me. Is that weird? I moved my entire life here and started fresh, and somehow the place I grew up seems so distant to me. Don't get me wrong, I am excited to be home. South Carolina will always be "home" to me, but it will be different being there than it ever has before. First, I have my own home now. My own animals. I clean and make food for myself. Independence is the general idea I am getting at, I guess. So now I am going back to stay with my parents, in a guest bedroom, leave all of new life behind for a little, and live at home again.....just sounds weird to me. Even little things like changing my daily wardrobe will take a little getting used to. I don't have to wear jackets, jeans and boots while I am there. That will be a nice change, but still a change. We also won't have our own transportation so that is something that will take some adjustment.

Honestly it will just feel like another world. But I am so excited for our leave date! Sometimes I feel like I have more fun getting to my destinations than I do actually arriving to them. I find excitement in packing my bags, navigating through airports, being on airplanes and every little thing that traveling entails. This will also be hubby & I's first airplane ride(s) has always been me flying to see him or the Air Force flying him somewhere new. So that's another reason why it will be a fun trip there. I hope I manage to get tons of pictures and I am not too preoccupied with life to take some-like always. :)

17 days!

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