Saturday, May 7, 2011

A small world

Well yesterday was military spouse appreciation day..yes, we have our own day and I am very proud to say that lol. Even if only we know about it..ha. So in honor of that, this morning on base was a "spa day" for the wives at Fairchild from 10-2. Well, I woke up around 10 to a text from a friend asking if I was coming. If I wouldn't have gotten a text...I probably would have stayed in bed :) So I threw my hair up in a ponytail and went. They had the Paul Mitchell school doing hair cuts & styles, mini manicures, eyebrow waxing, chair massages from Current spa, jewelry cleaning, yoga and FOOD!! Me and my girls definitely chowed down on some chocolate covered strawberries haha. Oh yeah and everyone got 2 boxes of girl scout cookies..random. I got samosas and thin mints for hubby when he gets home :)

Anyway, I had to meet someone so I only had time to get my jewelry cleaned because they took forever on waxing manicures and hair. It was all free though and I thought it was pretty cool. Especially considering a LOT of bases do nothing in honor of our special I am not complaining :) Speaking of jewelry I think I am just a damn idiot for not taking my rings to get inspected in March for their semiannual check-up. I probably just blew my warranty. I am a f***ing idiot......that's pretty much how I feel about that one. I will be getting a pretty awesome ring for our 1 year anniversary (in November) and I have definitely learned my lesson and will not slack on that one :( But I am so very pissed at myself for being such a dumb ass. I was very ashamed to tell my revelation to hubby..who didn't act upset with me but I'm sure he was...

Oh well. So listen to this...First off, I am from a very small town in South Carolina, which also happens to be on the complete opposite side of the country from where I am now. I met an airman stationed here today who happened to see my area code and recognized it as South Carolina, so naturally he asked me if I was from there. Then of course I wanted to know how he knew that, and turns out, he is from Simpsonville-the town I am from! So he says..."You didn't go to Hillcrest did you??" Why yes, yes I did go to Hillcrest. He graduated in 2004 so he is older than me or my hubby (I'm 2011 and hubby is 2008) but him & I both thought it was pretty much the coolest thing. It put a smile on my face..I'm not sure why but I guess it feels nice to have someone else here from HOME and have so much in common with a stranger I just happened to meet. Funny how things happen sometimes...

Hubby is still gone for 14 more days..tear. Lol. I love him so much and even when we are apart for a measly 2 days, it doesnt feel right and I want him by my side again. We start sending corny mushy texts approximately 12 hours of being apart, or less. Lol. Absence makes the heart grow fonder...I am a firm believer in that quote because since he left the first time in June for basic I have experienced it to the fullest. And will continue to until he no longer serves..and I am ready for all of the absences he will have in my life, because they are always worth it when we kiss and it feels like the first time all over again. This turned into a sappy love story...but long story short, he is my other half and life without him just isn't so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no I know how small it is, one of Mr.AB's SGTs went to high school with my eldest sister (she's 30) and a TSGT is my cousin.. didn't know it! We found out when we were bowling and just happened to have it confirmed by another relative! Its insane and always makes me smile.
