Friday, May 13, 2011

Rough week

Can I just start out by saying that it is much easier to start an argument when you are seperated from your significant other? I am guilty. I think it all stems from resentment that you are alone and frustration because you just want them back. It's hard being a girl..sometimes you just want to bitch about something..anything. So that sums up a little of why I have had a rough week. On top of that one of my headlights decided to go out while hubs is gone and I spent an hour taking my car apart to get to the lighting compartment under my hood. I finally got the new bulb installed and everything put back together..and it just won't turn on. After making my fingers bleed, getting dirt all over me, trying so damn hard to fix it, and thinking about how much easier it would be if hubby were home..I just gave up.
Instead I decided to plant the pansies that I got for free from the housing center on base. They gave away a free flat of flowers for Mother's Day..and even though I am not a mother I got some. :) It took me a little while to get all 12 planted, because I am a freak when it comes to seeing worms (they absolutely disgust me) and every single time I dug one up I squealed and took a little break. They really just freak me out..

Wednesday night I went to a friend's house to spend the night. It was just a girl's night at her apartment and I only had 2 strawberry margaritas but it wasn't long before they had us sleeping like babies. I was in my car at 7 the next morning though, on my way home to feed my babies. Such a good mama. I wouldn't drive myself home that early if I was hungry, but I will do it for them :) I haven't been doing anything else really special besides seeing friends here and there, tanning and the normal cleaning routine at home. Duke has been getting nightly walks regularly and he's a happy camper when he gets to see his furball friends. I have 7 days til hubby is home..and 12 until hubby and I are "home." Yay. Time is going by much faster than expected. Hopefully something as little as a head light or worm won't stress me out again until then...I'm such a girl. :)

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