Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunshine and mishaps

The past week we have had amazing weather. Not cold, not hot, just warm and breezy. Everyone has been loving it I'm sure, because I know I have. I spoke a little too soon on hoping that nothing else stupid happens while hubs is away, because it did. Being so pretty outside, yesterday I went to open our grill in the backyard, maybe even use it? I don't know. I had never opened it before and I guess I was just curious. So, low and behold, I opened it. Before I could even get it all the way open, a BIRD flies out at full speed. I swear I almost had a heart attack, then I almost threw up when I caught a glimpse inside of a HUGE nest (maybe I shouldn't even call it a nest) and a bunch of little blue eggs. I'm sorry, but I thought it was really gross and disgusting. I guess I am not a bird person. And definitely not a fan of using any grill that has been the nesting home to birds, eggs and gross little babies.

I'm definitely not one to ruin a bird's nest, in a way it's cute I guess. I just wish mama bird picked a different spot. Hopefully after those babies have hatched and will she. But I have a feeling there is going to be a battle between who owns the grill...and it's not going to be her. What else are we supposed to do? In return I might put some bird houses I won't mess with her little family though, because as yucky as it is, that would just be mean. We don't need to use the grill that I think we will probably just buy a new one because I definitely don't look at it as anywhere to cook food anymore. Ha. So yes...yet another thing that will have to wait to be dealt with until hubs is home. Until then, I am not going anywhere near it and probably will never open it again.

As for this beautiful Sunday I am going to go enjoy it! Hope everyone else does the same :)

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