Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh wisdom teeth

First off I woke up really sick. Not only was I having bad cramps (I always get them when my period is over, not when it is starting) but I was sick to my stomach and throwing up all morning. TMI, I know..So I didn't get much sleep this morning at all. I had an appointment at the oral surgeon at 3:45 and finally got out of there an hour later. Before insurance the cost of anesthesia and surgery would be $2,100 and with insurance it is around $500. That is a big difference but still a little pricy. None of my wisdom teeth have grown through yet or ever given me any problems, however my bottom right one is apparently growing sideways! So weird. Sideways as in it is growing not UP but towards my cheek. It is not very uncommon but it is something that could cause a lot of pain the future and discomfort so all the more reason to get those babies taken out. Especially while I am young and the roots are not deep.
He went over the surgery day with me very thoroughly. No eating or drinking for 6-8 hours before surgery. Wear comfortable clothing because I will be tucked in with a blanket for a few hours there while I am knocked out. Someone has to wait on me the entire surgery and drive me home. I have to bite down on cotton balls all day to dry up blood..EW. And I can't be alone for 24 hours after the surgery..so hubby might have to take a day off of work. They had an opening this Friday, and hubby is supposed to leave Saturday..but if I take this Friday's appointment he will not be able to go. Which apparently pleases him. Lol. I told him I think I am just going to wait to have them taken out until after we get back here and I am done with my graduation.

I definitely do not want to take any chances and not have enough time for my swelling and/or bruising to go away before we go home, so I really don't want to push it. Anyway..some girls here went out to dinner for a birthday tonight but I had just gotten done at the gym and decided to pass. I am pretty sleepy and need a shower. Lol. So I am going to do that and snuggle with my little snuggle buddy. My precious little Jade... :-)

Haha..that's what she does every morning between her mommy and daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Wisdom teeth are really painful. There are people who couldn't even sleep because of the pain. It's advisable that you seek a dentist whenever you feel pain. Dental practitioners will decide if the wisdom tooth needs to be removed. You're correct, don't take chances. If you feel pain seek dental help immediately.
