Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless America...

Yesterday was a huge victory for our country. I know this is not news to anyone but it is something that I wanted to post and share my opinion(s) on. Osama Bin Laden was someone who needed to be brought down. He was a terribly dangerous man and a great threat to our nation's security and we were reminded of that on 9/11. Now that he no longer exists, a little piece of justice was served to every victim of 9/11, every fallen soldier fighting this war on terror, and every poor family member mourning the death of a loved one each & every day. I have pride in our country and our military, because it is one step in the right direction, and a peace of mind for all of the innocent victims. Nonetheless, the death of Bin Laden will create a spark among his followers and their extremist beliefs. Aljeezra, a middle eastern news network quoted a member of one of these groups... "He is now our Martyr and we will avenged him a thousand fold." With that being said, what else is there to expect besides realiation and pure revenge? It is a scary thought and my thoughts and prayers go out to all of our military in harm's way and their families. May God watch over them and our country...and may he hold them in his arms through tragedy or sorrow.
I take so much pride in our military and what they do for us. Without them, now and throughout history, we would not be the great nation that we are. There are so many people who bash our country, and of all things our military. You know, the people who dedicate and risk their lives to keep everyone else FREE and safe, and so they can live the kind of life that they choose to. I mean.. Do these stupid asses who bash our military and what they do not realize where the hell we would be WITHOUT a military? How could anyone be so ignorant? Do you not think that if we showed such weakness, like having no defense at all, that other nation's would not jump at the chance of defeating us? We are in the middle east fighting the war on terror because our twin towers burned to the ground and thousands of OUR people were murdered...yet some people expect the United States to take no action to such a blatent punch in the face, made of pure disrespect and hatred? No successful nation would ever accept that, so we most definitely will not. And should not. And the day that we do is the day we are no longer the United States of America, but instead victim to the reign of another nation. Again, this is my insight. I am not a future teller, but to me this is commmon sense...
People say that our military shouldn't be over there, and that they are getting killed over nothing. I am the last person who wants to see any member of our military get wounded or die. But that is the military and that is what it entails. And that is the necessary sacrifice to keep our country what it is. Look throughout history, and tell me when there were not battles, wars and sacrifices. I am not a history teacher but my point is that men and women dying for the sake of their country is nothing new, so stop bashing the war on terror, like George W. Bush made some kind of huge mistake. I am an American and when anyone makes an attack on America, it is an attack on me. My blood and every aspect of my life is AMERICAN, so how can some poeple, some "Americans" not take it incredibly offensive when a group of people dedicate their lives to the death of not only AMERICANS, but America. I don't know about anyone else, but the thought of 9/11 angers me like nothing else, becuase that was my country being attacked. Ultimately, that was ME and MY loved ones.
So anyway, go ahead and thank George W. Bush. Yes, thank HIM. For putting our people out there. Because yes, Osama Bin Laden was killed yesterday? By who? Men and women who GEORGE BUSH put there in the first place. Hmm? And apparently, to some people, yesterday was a win for Obama? HAHA. It was our military intelligence to thank, and Obama happened to be the guy in office when THEY found him. Note: THEY are the same people Obama wanted pay cuts for, just within the last month. But yet Obama is to thank? This is a victory for Obama? Yes, of course it is, to the people who don't really know shit. Oh yes it makes Obama look great to them!
 Everyone has their own thoughts and viewpoints and these are mine. You are not entitled to believe everything that I do..and I realize that. But when I state how I feel I state it very strongly...
Anyway, I would just like to say that I hope everyone keeps our country and men/women of the military in their prayers. I hope that this step for our country forward does not lead to many steps back. And if it does, I hope that the people responsible will remember, that even if it takes 10 years, we are the USA and we will not forget.

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