Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring brings new things

Like my rhyme? Lol. Well the new things that spring brings today are....
baby birds!! Yes this is an update on my grill fiasco. The little blue eggs I found in the grill while hubby was away have officially hatched. I knew this when hub & I heard little chirps coming from our backyard! They are so very sweet. I also learned that if I go outside and make a little noise, it will get them all started up, because they think it's their mommy bringing them food. One of hubbys friends was over and I told him to open up the grill, because I was too scared too. I get creeped out kind of easily. So he did and I managed to snap a picture!

If you look closely, between all the feathers and brush, there are little yellow beaks..which means little tiny baby birdies! They were very cute chirping and getting all excited for food when we opened it. I am pretty sure they can't see yet, so they are clueless. Lol. Too sweet :)

The weather here has been great lately. What I was told about waiting until the "third week of May" was pretty much true, because our weather is becoming much more Spring-like and enjoyable. You can't really help but be in a great mood when you wake up in Spokane to sun and a warm day. Hubby and I have been getting ready for our trip home- which is in TWO days!! Unreal. I have been cleaning the house, we have gone shopping to make sure the animals have enough food, but we still have most of our packing to do. Procrastinators..exactly what we are. I can't wait to be home and I hope to get so many pictures, but I have a thing with getting caught in the moment and completely not worrying about taking pictures. Blah.

My hair is even lighter blonde now than it was before and I like it! New hair always takes some getting used to..but its a nice change :) It goes with my tan pretty well...if I do say so myself! Oh yeah, today hubby also mowed our backyard which was becoming very jungle like. It was definitely much needed and Duke was pretty confused when we let him out afterwards! Lol

Hubby at hard So glad I just ate and watched.

So excited for May 25th @ 6:30am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

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