Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pampering, and a little advice..

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Day 8 - The best advice you've ever received
I sat here pondering this question and then I decided I really don't know what the best advice I ever received was. I think it's hard for me to answer because I have never been one to ask for advice very often, especially on important things or topics. I know people have given me great advice but looking back I can't recall anything specific that really stuck with me. I think I mostly rely on my own judgments and feelings. I will say that being so young, my parents didn't really agree with me getting married or moving my life out here. I completely understand where they are coming from, but throughout all of it some of my amazing friends back home supported me 100%. They told me to follow my heart, make my own decisions, and not let anything hold me back from what I wanted. That advice & support from them really helped me out and didn't make me feel like I was making a huge mistake. I love my them dearly for that.

Today I woke up with butterflies...Why? I'm not going to say, I don't want to speak too soon. But maybe I'll have some news coming soon. So far it has been a good say, I will say that. I got my nails done today for the first time since I have been here (2 months!!!), and that is a record for me! Back home I always had a manicure gracing my fingertips but here my money spending priorities changed a little. My house is an ongoing project and has gotten more attention from me than myself has. Ha. I do love having my tips back on, and will hopefully stay in the routine of keeping up with them. :-) I went to a place called T's right down the road from the base and I have found my new nail salon..T did my nails herself & she's great!

There they are, and my tiny bony fingers!! lol

I also got my Starbuck's coffee fix today for the millionth time this week. Slowly but surely I'm picking up all routines from back home! Today I got a venti (biggest one) and probably shouldn't have because I am jittery and cannot sit still for the life of me. It's good though because the house is nice and tidy and I did it in record time. But I am going to stick to talls from now on..

OH YEAH!! I got some really cool news yesterday. A girl from back home who graduated with hubs messaged me, and said she got a letter from her boyfriend (who is at Marine "boot camp") saying he is going to be stationed at Fort Lewis in WA and wanted her to find out from hubs how far it is from us!! He is also one of hubs' good friends from home. Well Fort Lewis is also Mcchord AFB and it's like 5 hours away..which is AWESOME!! What are the chances his good friend from SC (2500+ miles away) will now be in the same state as us, and not even a bad drive. Hubby was ecstatic and I am so excited for him to have a friend here. It's a good feeling I'm sure. :-) He is even more excited for our lake trips this summer. I'm just excite for summer period, and to get back to THIS!

laying out!! :-)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ohhh, one day

Day 7 - Tell us about your wedding or dream wedding
Through all of the rif raff of military life, it's been hard to be home long enough to have a wedding much less get one planned. Through all the complications, we will still have our wedding, just a little late. :)

First and foremost: I want a wedding at home! I want it to be a true southern wedding, and what better place than beautiful South Carolina. I have looked at dresses and here is one that I have had my eye on for a while:

I have not found a dress that I like more than that one. I also love the flower idea and think it goes well with a southern theme. I also have found the venue that I want to have the wedding at. Its about an hour from where we live, so hopefully everyone can easily make it easily. Here is a sneak peek:

We were hoping to have the wedding in May when we are going home for a week, but it's more likely to happen later in the year. I definitely want to have it when the weather is warm, but not excrutiatingly hot. Looking at the pictures I can almost feel the South Carolina heat on my skin...and I cannot wait to feel it again. :-)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not so yummy

Well the past two days hubby has been off work because his TDY was a week of 12 hour shifts. Today he goes back, but luckily I don't have to drive him to work now. I'm going to catch up on some cleaning today that I have slacked on a little since he's been home. I'm going to Starbuck's & Subway for lunch..I've been in some kind of a funk lately. I am very picky about what I am hungry for. Thinking about some things that I usually like makes me nausceous (sp?) and there are few things that I actually want to eat. Some things I am in the mood for right now: Subway, coffee, brownies, funfetti cake, Olive Garden, Taco Bell, pretty much everything chocolate. Some things that I usually like that make me want to yack: anything pizza related, anything fried, anything potatoes lol, FISH & Red Lobster, the list goes on. 

With my picky stomach issues going on I have really come to the conclusion that I dearly miss my mom's cooking!!! There is nothing like it..and I can't wait to go home in May and have her food for a whole week. :-) Missing her cooking makes me consider getting all of her recipes and making them every night. That's a break through.

Day 6 - Tell us about your best friend when you were 16, and where you two stand today

Honestly the specific ages of my life pretty much all blend together and I can't really distinguish every year from the next. I'm not 100% sure who I called my "best friend" at 16 (even though it was only 2 years ago lol) but it was probably either my friend Chelsea or someone else that I'm not going to name, who I am not friends with anymore. :-)


1. what inspires you?
The outdoors and nature definitely inspire me, and anything fashion related.
2. what was the last thing you bought yourself?
Makeup :-)
3. would you rather watch a movie in a theater or from the comfort of your own home?
It all depends on my mood...sometimes I'm in the mood for a date and sometimes the sofa :)
4. household chore you don't mind doing?
They all suck really.
5. coffee or tea?
I would have to say coffee but I actually really like hot tea too especially before bed :)
6. what could you eat every day and not get sick of??
Sounds bad but probably Taco
7. what's the last book you read?
Dear John... We saw the movie in theaters first but hubby read the book afterwards and bugged me until I did. lol.
8. do you think you look you "look" your age?
Yeah. Most people say I look older.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Goodbye Jeremy..

Well last night's Army Wives was super emotional. Even hubs teared up a So now there is no more Jeremy, which I didn't see coming. I think everyone was expecting a husband for sure. S (hubbys friend) was over last night too and I was pleasantly surprised to have both of them watching Army Wives with me and hearing no complaints at all, lol. Such good boys. :-)

One of my good friends from home texted me last night and asked me if I was PREGO!! Haha well the answer is definitely no! I started back on my birth control this past month and have been taking it religiously everyday. That is the last thing I need. She saw that I have been having "cravings" for random things and figured she would ask. It's really just because I always have something yummy on my mind that I'm in the mood for. She also told me my blog makes her cry everytime she reads it. I definitely miss her as much as she misses me. :( On another note, apparently Four Lokos has taken all of the caffeine out of their drinks so they wouldn't be banned anymore. Ok, cool. Well I had one recently for the first time in a while. It was Cranberry Lemonade, and I love Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade so I was excited to try it. Disgusting. One sip made me want to puke. I didn't even drink 1/4 of it. Never again.

Hubby got his car yesterday, he ended up getting the Prelude. The guy he bought it from sells yachts and invited us on a yacht this summer...which would definitely be fun. Oh the random people and things you run into. Anyway, lately I have had a lot of stress about school. I wanted to start spring semester (April 4) but everything was so rushed as far as getting MYCAA benefits to kick in, taking placement tests and registering for classes. On top of that I really have no idea in what direction I want to go, and cannot for the life of me decide what I want to major in. So I have decided to push starting school back and  take some time to decide. I might even get a job to keep me busy until then. I would like to get my basic classes done first and start school "undecided" but MYCAA requires you to tell them what degree you want..and I'm not sure you can change it and still get benefits. I guess you could say I'm kind of lost and confused....blah.

Day 5 - Something you definitely could live without.
Something I could definitely live without is ranch dressing. I think it's one of the grossest foods ever and will not, in a million years, ever start liking it. Even the smell of it makes me gag. For this reason I eat my salads plain, because while ranch is the worst of all, I don't like any dressings. I will never understand how people put it on their food!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

To buy or not to buy

To start off our day today the hubby & I went to the gym. It was one of my favorite places to be back home and has remained the same thing here. I think the gym here is really decent and definitely big.. but they are actually in the process of building a brand new one. Yay! Which I can only imagine is going to be 10x nicer, so that will be awesome. Anyway, one of hubby's friends from tech school is visiting home right now before his tour to Korea (which he is actually really excited about) and he met us at the gym too. Afterwards we  all went to Subway (which was one of the many cravings I have been having this week), and came back to the house. S (his friend) definitely made me happy when he said how much the house has improved and how clean it is now. (He also visted this past November) It was an absolute wreck when I got here, after my lovely and wonderful husband inhabited it for 3 1/2 months without me. So that was something nice to hear. :)

Now the boys are off meeting people to look at cars. On a Friday a few weeks ago hubby sold his beloved 240sx that he left at home. Literally the next day, he sold his F250, which he decided to get rid of because gas prices get more ridiculous by the day. So I definitely didn't blame him on that one. Needless to say, we now only have one vehicle but our savings are great, and he is off to buy a cheap, little car that is good on gas. Today he is going to look at a Honda Prelude and an Acura Integra...obviously both older cars. While they are definitely not luxury or anything close to it, either one will be great on gas and will last a very long time with little to no maintenence. Honda's honestly run forever. Lol. I'm glad he is so low maintenence..but I will definitely be keeping my Mazda 3 which we do not have to make payments on anyway.

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Day 3 - Something or someone you can't live without, because you've tried.
The answer to this is definitely, without a doubt my husband. If I had to I could live without any material possession and be fine. I can honestly say in the past that I have decided to try and move on with my life and focus on myself and no matter how hard I tried, nothing felt right if he wasn't in my life. And those times that I tried to move on were the times I truly saw how incredibly much he cared about me, and was not willing to let me go. Now I know I will never be willing to let him go either. :-) Unless he really, really messed up. Ha!

P.S. Sunday means Army Wives & Coming Home night! Woop!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Home sweet home

Well naturally home just hasn't been the same without hubs around. Luckily, he returned today; a week earlier than planned. Yay! We seem to get lucky with these kinds of things. I got here in January and he was scheduled to go on a TDY 3 days after I got here, but his "boss" (I don't remember the official term for who he was, lol) found out I was coming and totally canceled it for him. So we have gotten lucky twice with tdy's lol.

Anyway we went and got lunch then spent some quality time together and now he is sleeping since he worked all night last night and hasn't been able to sleep today. I must say, last year we really adjusted and got used to distance between us but after living together for 2 months I have definitely become spoiled and don't even like going a day without him around. It is not a good thing to let yourself get spoiled when you live this kind of life because everyday you are together is really a blessing. :) Needless to say here is a very welcomed mess and one that can stay there because it means hubby is home :) At least for now.

While he was gone nothing too eventful happened. I got the house spotless clean, exactly how I like it, and spent a ton of time at the gym. A little bit of drama between some girls here too but I won't get into that because some feelings will definitely get hurt. Some people just aren't happy with their own lives and are so worried about other people's. I can only imagine. Ha.

With that being said..I love my husband more than words can say. We did argue some while he was gone but I think it was out of my frustration of this empty house that I had and him having to sleep in the daytime so I wanted to talk more than we could. It was then more than ever I wished I had at least one of my girls from back home to just invite over for real, quality girl time. Anyway, the distance is fine when you're out with people for the day but it's still an empty house every night you come home..and the furballs just don't cut it. Lol I love them though.

Anyway, I think I am going to lay down too. The past week I have been staying up really late every night, either with friends or glued to the sofa watching tv and living off Lean Cuisines. No hubby to cook for, rough.

Here is a picture of us..I thought it was appropriate because it shows hubs a week into his mustache growing. Now that he's home it's worse...the end of the month needs to hurry, this has gotten out of hand, lol.

On to my neglected Spring Forward blog challenge..

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Day 3 - A photo of something you ate today. Was it worth the calories?

Well the picture is self explanatory. I would have taken a picture of the real thing but it's long gone now. Instead of meat I get a sub of beans since I think meat is gross. It's definitely worth every calorie. I don't count calories but if I did this would definitely be on my top 5 of "worth it." It's soo good :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday night quality time :)

Well it's 1 in the morning so I am going to hopefully make this short and sweet. My day consisted of waking up late (like we always do) and being the lazy bums we are watching a movie-Marley & Me. It's a really good movie and after owning my first lab it definitely reminded me of him a lot, lol. That could be a good and bad thing. Anyway, hubs only went to work today from 1-4:30. I went to the gym and walked the doggies with some girls while he was gone. I attempted to walk Duke but he is so excited and distracted by everything that I can't control him. I can..but it's just annoying to even try. lol.

Tonight hubs and I went to dinner and he decided on renting a movie to watch at home instead of theaters. I was perfectly fine because I love cuddling :) I must admit Jackass 3 is not romantic in any way but cuddling is and it had us laughing (and gagging.) Hubs leaves tomorrow for a 2 week tdy so I am going to get a lot of working out, cleaning and girl time in. :) That is the up side. The down side is of course a pretty lonely household but luckily I have my sweet little furballs to take up the other side of the bed. Or should I say, Duke will take the other side of the bed. Jade would never sleep near him, she likes to sleep at my feet. Speaking of Jade, the boys are already in bed and she is patiently waiting right here with me, to go to bed too. Haha...she's a mama's girl. :) Anyway..hubs is more bummed about leaving than I am, he really doesn't want to go..but two weeks is a piece of cake. Of course I would rather always have him here..

I don't know if I will post again until he is back. Chances are I won't because it would require me hooking up our other computer to the internet and A) It is still packed away and B) I have no idea how routers/modems/whatever work. Like I said, my days will consist of probably the same thing everyday, so not much to talk about. I hate to bust him & his friends' bubbles because they planned on reading my blog while they were there. Ha ha, suckers. Guess you will have to dwell on this until you are back! JK.

Love you D! MUAH MUAH MUAH!! :) :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

You know who you are...

This post is for one of my husband's friends who got the link to my blog. Oh yes, he did. His hobbies now include: reciting random parts of my blog at any given moment. HAHA. Last night the hubby was playing Call of Duty with him (they weren't together, they were playing with headsets). Hubs was trying to remember something "stupid" that a guy said at work, so he was asking B (we will call his friend "B") what it was that the guy said. I was waiting for one of them to finally remember what it was that was so stupid. Even though my husband had no idea why he was told to say this, he recited "The people that matter don't mind and the people who mind don't matter." Of course I realized this was NOT the stupid thing that the guy said at work but instead a quote from my last post! Little mr. B just had to throw it out there. My husband thought it was too funny after finding out it was actually from my blog. So it is official, a few days into my blogging, one of my husband's friend is already stalking it. Lol. They are crazy.

 On top of my misfortunes, apparently it's "mustache March (yeah, wtf) and hubby thinks it's just so awesome to grow one. Now after a week, he has a dark shadow right above his mouth and while it is pretty funny I do not like mustaches. He grew one in tech school too and said he did it to mock the Air Force's rule that you are allowed to grow the "tackiest form of facial hair," but not any on your chin, etc. Anyway needless to say I just got a very prickly goodbye kiss before he left for work. Ew.

Day 2 – Something you really don't like about yourself.
I guess something I could change about myself is that I can have a bad temper. Sometimes when things don't go my way or how I planned I get pissed. Certain little things can piss me off pretty quick. There are *certain* people in this world who know exactly what buttons to push with me...but I guess that is a part of being married! lol. On the flip side, I think it can also be a positive because I am not afraid to say what I think to anyone and that is extra true when they have ticked me off. But I could work on my attitude...and my husband will get a kick out of my saying this, as much as it hurt my heart

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm a few days late on starting but I am anyway!

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Day 1 – A picture of you and something you like about like about yourself

Something that I really like about myself is my self confidence. One thing I have learned in my 18 years of life is that you can't please everyone, and not everyone is going to always like you. There will always be people who try and bring you down but you are the only one who can let them do that. Today I am very secure with who I am and what I have in life. I couldn't be happier with who I have become and anyone who thinks differently is allowed to. "Those who matter don't mind & those who mind don't matter."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My military life survey :)

1. How long have you been a military wife? 4 months, which is as long as I have been a "wife" period! We are still newlyweds, but definitely not new. We have been together much longer and are still going strong :)

2. What branch of service is your husband? Air Force

3. Active/Reserve? Active

4. What is his job? KC135 Crew Chief
5. How many deployments have you gone through? day! 

6. ACU's  or Class A's on your man? Let's just say I wouldn't mind him wearing his ABU's every single day. lol.

7. What do you like about being a military wife? The pride that I have in my husband and what he is a part of. Also I like the lifestyle and the adventure that it has all been. :) 

8. Do you live on base? Yes and I would probably never live off base. I love our home, the base and having our own community. 

9. What is your favorite base so far? My opinion is biased..we've only lived on one and it's the lovely Fairchild. I can say that I like it MUCH more than Lackland in San Antonio and Sheppard in Wichita Falls, TX.  

10. What's the hardest part of the military life? I guess the fact that duty comes first no matter what. You don't have a say when "duty calls" and goodbyes can be rather sad :( 

11. Do you go to the grocery store or commissary? When I am alone, I always go to the commissary. We usually go there, but for certain things we will make a trip to Wal-Mart.

12. Do you work or stay at home? I stay at home, soon to be starting school. I am not too interested in adding a job to my schedule on top of school, at least not now.

13. Do you have a lot of military wife friends? Yeah I feel like I do, especially for only being here 2 months.
14. Do you prefer Walmart or the PX/BX/MCX/NEX? I like Wal-Mart's variety and how much they have to offer, but I like the comfort and convenience of shopping on base.

15. How did your husband propose? I visited him during Tech school in Wichita Falls. We went to dinner one night and when we got back to the hotel room I was sitting on the edge of the bed and he kneeled down in front of me and I knew it was coming!

 16. Did you marry him after he joined or before? After. We got married so that we could always be together since the Air Force was taking him from home.

17. How long have you been together? A little over 2 years

18. Any kids yet? Nooo..We definitely look forward to our little ones-ONE DAY. But for now I am focusing on getting through college. Also, we are much more interested in focusing our attention on ourselves and our relationship..not a child.

19. Any kids yet to come? When the time is right, oh yes a few!!
20. Is your husband one of those "I am a soldier hear me HOOAH" kind of guys? Well no, he is in the Air Force and not a "soldier" ...but regardless no he is not like that.
21. Have you ever done combatives with your husband? No because I don't even know what that means.

22. How many bases have you lived at? One
23. If you could change one thing about the military? I really don't know what I would change because everything that it is makes it the military. I feel like there's a reason they do what they do, and even if they don't have a reason's the military. lol.
24. Do you like military balls? I haven't been to one yet. If I did get the chance I would definitely go. It's a good opportunity to meet important people as well as the people my husband works with. Plus, I wouldn't mind getting a nice new dress :)
25. Where does your family live? All over! My immediate family live in good ole SC. I have some in Kentucky, Denver, Canada and South Africa. Yeah, I know...they are all over.

26. What do you do for a job? I am a full time housewife and let me tell you after cleaning up after MY husband, my sweet little kitty cat and my lab who is 24/7 shedding his coat, as well as taking care of myself, I am pooped!

27. Have you ever gotten in a fight with an NCO's wife? No. I honestly can think of plenty more things I am interested in doing.

28. Name one thing you do when your husband is gone? Like I said he has never deployed, but he does work long shifts and I have been away from him for 9 months I can answer this I think. I focus on myself. I work out, and do things that make me happy or feel good, like being with friends. Now that we share a household I also take care of my home and do a lot of cleaning while he is at work. I also love to walk my Duke and play fetch.

29. Do you think other wives do that too? Yes I'm sure.