Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday night quality time :)

Well it's 1 in the morning so I am going to hopefully make this short and sweet. My day consisted of waking up late (like we always do) and being the lazy bums we are watching a movie-Marley & Me. It's a really good movie and after owning my first lab it definitely reminded me of him a lot, lol. That could be a good and bad thing. Anyway, hubs only went to work today from 1-4:30. I went to the gym and walked the doggies with some girls while he was gone. I attempted to walk Duke but he is so excited and distracted by everything that I can't control him. I can..but it's just annoying to even try. lol.

Tonight hubs and I went to dinner and he decided on renting a movie to watch at home instead of theaters. I was perfectly fine because I love cuddling :) I must admit Jackass 3 is not romantic in any way but cuddling is and it had us laughing (and gagging.) Hubs leaves tomorrow for a 2 week tdy so I am going to get a lot of working out, cleaning and girl time in. :) That is the up side. The down side is of course a pretty lonely household but luckily I have my sweet little furballs to take up the other side of the bed. Or should I say, Duke will take the other side of the bed. Jade would never sleep near him, she likes to sleep at my feet. Speaking of Jade, the boys are already in bed and she is patiently waiting right here with me, to go to bed too. Haha...she's a mama's girl. :) Anyway..hubs is more bummed about leaving than I am, he really doesn't want to go..but two weeks is a piece of cake. Of course I would rather always have him here..

I don't know if I will post again until he is back. Chances are I won't because it would require me hooking up our other computer to the internet and A) It is still packed away and B) I have no idea how routers/modems/whatever work. Like I said, my days will consist of probably the same thing everyday, so not much to talk about. I hate to bust him & his friends' bubbles because they planned on reading my blog while they were there. Ha ha, suckers. Guess you will have to dwell on this until you are back! JK.

Love you D! MUAH MUAH MUAH!! :) :)


  1. Hello! I'm a new follower to your blog! I love finding other millies such as yourself! My Fox and I want to see Jackass 3 too! We'll have to rent it from the redbox one of these nights!

  2. Hi Marissa. I found your blog via

    I'm hoping to become a Soldier of the Australian Army and I'm looking for views and opinions of Soldiers and any related content.

    Nice little blog you've got here.

    Greetings from Hervey Bay, Queensland.
