Saturday, March 26, 2011

Home sweet home

Well naturally home just hasn't been the same without hubs around. Luckily, he returned today; a week earlier than planned. Yay! We seem to get lucky with these kinds of things. I got here in January and he was scheduled to go on a TDY 3 days after I got here, but his "boss" (I don't remember the official term for who he was, lol) found out I was coming and totally canceled it for him. So we have gotten lucky twice with tdy's lol.

Anyway we went and got lunch then spent some quality time together and now he is sleeping since he worked all night last night and hasn't been able to sleep today. I must say, last year we really adjusted and got used to distance between us but after living together for 2 months I have definitely become spoiled and don't even like going a day without him around. It is not a good thing to let yourself get spoiled when you live this kind of life because everyday you are together is really a blessing. :) Needless to say here is a very welcomed mess and one that can stay there because it means hubby is home :) At least for now.

While he was gone nothing too eventful happened. I got the house spotless clean, exactly how I like it, and spent a ton of time at the gym. A little bit of drama between some girls here too but I won't get into that because some feelings will definitely get hurt. Some people just aren't happy with their own lives and are so worried about other people's. I can only imagine. Ha.

With that being said..I love my husband more than words can say. We did argue some while he was gone but I think it was out of my frustration of this empty house that I had and him having to sleep in the daytime so I wanted to talk more than we could. It was then more than ever I wished I had at least one of my girls from back home to just invite over for real, quality girl time. Anyway, the distance is fine when you're out with people for the day but it's still an empty house every night you come home..and the furballs just don't cut it. Lol I love them though.

Anyway, I think I am going to lay down too. The past week I have been staying up really late every night, either with friends or glued to the sofa watching tv and living off Lean Cuisines. No hubby to cook for, rough.

Here is a picture of us..I thought it was appropriate because it shows hubs a week into his mustache growing. Now that he's home it's worse...the end of the month needs to hurry, this has gotten out of hand, lol.

On to my neglected Spring Forward blog challenge..

challenge button

Day 3 - A photo of something you ate today. Was it worth the calories?

Well the picture is self explanatory. I would have taken a picture of the real thing but it's long gone now. Instead of meat I get a sub of beans since I think meat is gross. It's definitely worth every calorie. I don't count calories but if I did this would definitely be on my top 5 of "worth it." It's soo good :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww im glad he is home. And early too. Jealous :) lol. And yes we need to all get together soon. I have been a working machine lately and I need a break. Just let me know when.
