Friday, March 18, 2011

You know who you are...

This post is for one of my husband's friends who got the link to my blog. Oh yes, he did. His hobbies now include: reciting random parts of my blog at any given moment. HAHA. Last night the hubby was playing Call of Duty with him (they weren't together, they were playing with headsets). Hubs was trying to remember something "stupid" that a guy said at work, so he was asking B (we will call his friend "B") what it was that the guy said. I was waiting for one of them to finally remember what it was that was so stupid. Even though my husband had no idea why he was told to say this, he recited "The people that matter don't mind and the people who mind don't matter." Of course I realized this was NOT the stupid thing that the guy said at work but instead a quote from my last post! Little mr. B just had to throw it out there. My husband thought it was too funny after finding out it was actually from my blog. So it is official, a few days into my blogging, one of my husband's friend is already stalking it. Lol. They are crazy.

 On top of my misfortunes, apparently it's "mustache March (yeah, wtf) and hubby thinks it's just so awesome to grow one. Now after a week, he has a dark shadow right above his mouth and while it is pretty funny I do not like mustaches. He grew one in tech school too and said he did it to mock the Air Force's rule that you are allowed to grow the "tackiest form of facial hair," but not any on your chin, etc. Anyway needless to say I just got a very prickly goodbye kiss before he left for work. Ew.

Day 2 – Something you really don't like about yourself.
I guess something I could change about myself is that I can have a bad temper. Sometimes when things don't go my way or how I planned I get pissed. Certain little things can piss me off pretty quick. There are *certain* people in this world who know exactly what buttons to push with me...but I guess that is a part of being married! lol. On the flip side, I think it can also be a positive because I am not afraid to say what I think to anyone and that is extra true when they have ticked me off. But I could work on my attitude...and my husband will get a kick out of my saying this, as much as it hurt my heart


  1. My husbands whole shop is participating in Mustache March. The "winner" is the one who has the grossest mustache at the end of the month and they get a day off. They all look real attractive!

  2. Oh my gosh that is too funny haha. I can't believe they get a day off for that but that's pretty cool lol my husband would probably win, his facial hair grows so fast
