Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My military life survey :)

1. How long have you been a military wife? 4 months, which is as long as I have been a "wife" period! We are still newlyweds, but definitely not new. We have been together much longer and are still going strong :)

2. What branch of service is your husband? Air Force

3. Active/Reserve? Active

4. What is his job? KC135 Crew Chief
5. How many deployments have you gone through? day! 

6. ACU's  or Class A's on your man? Let's just say I wouldn't mind him wearing his ABU's every single day. lol.

7. What do you like about being a military wife? The pride that I have in my husband and what he is a part of. Also I like the lifestyle and the adventure that it has all been. :) 

8. Do you live on base? Yes and I would probably never live off base. I love our home, the base and having our own community. 

9. What is your favorite base so far? My opinion is biased..we've only lived on one and it's the lovely Fairchild. I can say that I like it MUCH more than Lackland in San Antonio and Sheppard in Wichita Falls, TX.  

10. What's the hardest part of the military life? I guess the fact that duty comes first no matter what. You don't have a say when "duty calls" and goodbyes can be rather sad :( 

11. Do you go to the grocery store or commissary? When I am alone, I always go to the commissary. We usually go there, but for certain things we will make a trip to Wal-Mart.

12. Do you work or stay at home? I stay at home, soon to be starting school. I am not too interested in adding a job to my schedule on top of school, at least not now.

13. Do you have a lot of military wife friends? Yeah I feel like I do, especially for only being here 2 months.
14. Do you prefer Walmart or the PX/BX/MCX/NEX? I like Wal-Mart's variety and how much they have to offer, but I like the comfort and convenience of shopping on base.

15. How did your husband propose? I visited him during Tech school in Wichita Falls. We went to dinner one night and when we got back to the hotel room I was sitting on the edge of the bed and he kneeled down in front of me and I knew it was coming!

 16. Did you marry him after he joined or before? After. We got married so that we could always be together since the Air Force was taking him from home.

17. How long have you been together? A little over 2 years

18. Any kids yet? Nooo..We definitely look forward to our little ones-ONE DAY. But for now I am focusing on getting through college. Also, we are much more interested in focusing our attention on ourselves and our relationship..not a child.

19. Any kids yet to come? When the time is right, oh yes a few!!
20. Is your husband one of those "I am a soldier hear me HOOAH" kind of guys? Well no, he is in the Air Force and not a "soldier" ...but regardless no he is not like that.
21. Have you ever done combatives with your husband? No because I don't even know what that means.

22. How many bases have you lived at? One
23. If you could change one thing about the military? I really don't know what I would change because everything that it is makes it the military. I feel like there's a reason they do what they do, and even if they don't have a reason's the military. lol.
24. Do you like military balls? I haven't been to one yet. If I did get the chance I would definitely go. It's a good opportunity to meet important people as well as the people my husband works with. Plus, I wouldn't mind getting a nice new dress :)
25. Where does your family live? All over! My immediate family live in good ole SC. I have some in Kentucky, Denver, Canada and South Africa. Yeah, I know...they are all over.

26. What do you do for a job? I am a full time housewife and let me tell you after cleaning up after MY husband, my sweet little kitty cat and my lab who is 24/7 shedding his coat, as well as taking care of myself, I am pooped!

27. Have you ever gotten in a fight with an NCO's wife? No. I honestly can think of plenty more things I am interested in doing.

28. Name one thing you do when your husband is gone? Like I said he has never deployed, but he does work long shifts and I have been away from him for 9 months I can answer this I think. I focus on myself. I work out, and do things that make me happy or feel good, like being with friends. Now that we share a household I also take care of my home and do a lot of cleaning while he is at work. I also love to walk my Duke and play fetch.

29. Do you think other wives do that too? Yes I'm sure.

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