Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not so yummy

Well the past two days hubby has been off work because his TDY was a week of 12 hour shifts. Today he goes back, but luckily I don't have to drive him to work now. I'm going to catch up on some cleaning today that I have slacked on a little since he's been home. I'm going to Starbuck's & Subway for lunch..I've been in some kind of a funk lately. I am very picky about what I am hungry for. Thinking about some things that I usually like makes me nausceous (sp?) and there are few things that I actually want to eat. Some things I am in the mood for right now: Subway, coffee, brownies, funfetti cake, Olive Garden, Taco Bell, pretty much everything chocolate. Some things that I usually like that make me want to yack: anything pizza related, anything fried, anything potatoes lol, FISH & Red Lobster, the list goes on. 

With my picky stomach issues going on I have really come to the conclusion that I dearly miss my mom's cooking!!! There is nothing like it..and I can't wait to go home in May and have her food for a whole week. :-) Missing her cooking makes me consider getting all of her recipes and making them every night. That's a break through.

Day 6 - Tell us about your best friend when you were 16, and where you two stand today

Honestly the specific ages of my life pretty much all blend together and I can't really distinguish every year from the next. I'm not 100% sure who I called my "best friend" at 16 (even though it was only 2 years ago lol) but it was probably either my friend Chelsea or someone else that I'm not going to name, who I am not friends with anymore. :-)


1. what inspires you?
The outdoors and nature definitely inspire me, and anything fashion related.
2. what was the last thing you bought yourself?
Makeup :-)
3. would you rather watch a movie in a theater or from the comfort of your own home?
It all depends on my mood...sometimes I'm in the mood for a date and sometimes the sofa :)
4. household chore you don't mind doing?
They all suck really.
5. coffee or tea?
I would have to say coffee but I actually really like hot tea too especially before bed :)
6. what could you eat every day and not get sick of??
Sounds bad but probably Taco Bell..lol
7. what's the last book you read?
Dear John... We saw the movie in theaters first but hubby read the book afterwards and bugged me until I did. lol.
8. do you think you look you "look" your age?
Yeah. Most people say I look older.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet Marisa.I hope you miss me as much as you miss my cooking!

    Love you! Mom
