Monday, March 28, 2011

Goodbye Jeremy..

Well last night's Army Wives was super emotional. Even hubs teared up a So now there is no more Jeremy, which I didn't see coming. I think everyone was expecting a husband for sure. S (hubbys friend) was over last night too and I was pleasantly surprised to have both of them watching Army Wives with me and hearing no complaints at all, lol. Such good boys. :-)

One of my good friends from home texted me last night and asked me if I was PREGO!! Haha well the answer is definitely no! I started back on my birth control this past month and have been taking it religiously everyday. That is the last thing I need. She saw that I have been having "cravings" for random things and figured she would ask. It's really just because I always have something yummy on my mind that I'm in the mood for. She also told me my blog makes her cry everytime she reads it. I definitely miss her as much as she misses me. :( On another note, apparently Four Lokos has taken all of the caffeine out of their drinks so they wouldn't be banned anymore. Ok, cool. Well I had one recently for the first time in a while. It was Cranberry Lemonade, and I love Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade so I was excited to try it. Disgusting. One sip made me want to puke. I didn't even drink 1/4 of it. Never again.

Hubby got his car yesterday, he ended up getting the Prelude. The guy he bought it from sells yachts and invited us on a yacht this summer...which would definitely be fun. Oh the random people and things you run into. Anyway, lately I have had a lot of stress about school. I wanted to start spring semester (April 4) but everything was so rushed as far as getting MYCAA benefits to kick in, taking placement tests and registering for classes. On top of that I really have no idea in what direction I want to go, and cannot for the life of me decide what I want to major in. So I have decided to push starting school back and  take some time to decide. I might even get a job to keep me busy until then. I would like to get my basic classes done first and start school "undecided" but MYCAA requires you to tell them what degree you want..and I'm not sure you can change it and still get benefits. I guess you could say I'm kind of lost and confused....blah.

Day 5 - Something you definitely could live without.
Something I could definitely live without is ranch dressing. I think it's one of the grossest foods ever and will not, in a million years, ever start liking it. Even the smell of it makes me gag. For this reason I eat my salads plain, because while ranch is the worst of all, I don't like any dressings. I will never understand how people put it on their food!!!

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